Hope is no Solo

I must have been on the cusp of a cycle or a no-hitter during my entire baseball career as a kid because none of my teammates ever spoke to me.

This guy sure does get tired of his team quickly. Bored man gets paid indeed.

My favorite Father John McCain song is Fun Times in Blabylon

Until this very second I had no idea how much the world needed a Nikola Jokic brand velour tracksuit

#Jokiclookslike he has sat at the same folding table outside the same bodega in the same velour jumpsuit while smoking cigarettes and talking about the benefits of stretching for the last 15 years.

“He .... has been wearing a soft cast.”

Except for the part where he goes to the Pats

You’d think a Packer would know what’s in his luggage.

But Johnny Football has been making the media rounds and taking responsibility for his past mistakes. Maybe when Kaepernick does the same and publicly says that he’s fine with police brutality and systemic racism then NFL teams might start to pay attention again.

id watch the NBA Clone League