
Yes - I have mild menopausal aphasia - I can even identify what part of a sentence will cause the problem. Always the second noun. “I saw him walk through the DOOR with a ........ It might be an umbrella, and I can see it, but can’t always muster the word. Frustrating especially since I’m a writer and depend on having

Unless it’s the Guacamole made with peas. You couldn’t PAY me $95 to eat that.

Yup, she is the Chuck Norris of the American political system. Antonin Scalia should check under his bed for RBG. Santa Claus writes letters to RBG. RBG doesn’t lie - whatever she says just becomes the truth.

On the candy bar, I’d call 5-second rule. Maybe pre-marital sex works that way too?

Wow - that would be incentive to collect enough diamonds for a tiara!

Yep, in the movie the two young people diagnosed as terminal with cancer make a literary trip to Amsterdam, are shown around and visit the Frank house. When they kiss, the tourists applaud. It’s drawn lots of criticism, and does come across as a wince-worthy, clunky moment. If I see a Killing Fields proposal video on

Actually, it works out pretty well, because you spend most of your days walking. Eat like no one is watching!

It’s a very recent reference to an Italian teen novel called “I Want You” published in 2006. Not like it’s historical or local lore.

It’s a recent “tradition” based on a teen romance novel “I Want You.” It’s not like local lore of kissing under the Bridge of Sighs in Venice a tradition that doesn’t mar the bridge. Or the tradition is throwing coins in Trevi fountain, which does leave coins filling the bottom, although the coins are cleaned out

Our neighbor had two pigs. They last a summer and go home to Jesus in the fall. But the summer I worked at a youth meal program I would take them buckets of nice veggie scraps for them. melon rinds, carrot peels, cucumber ends, corn cobs. The were never officially named, but in my head I called them Szechuan &

When they are that used to people, generally they are being kept as laying hens, and live happy comfy lives. Meat chickens are kind of dumb, like Baby Huey, grow fast and die young. You don’t name a meat chicken, and don’t hug them either.

Our neighbor’ s chickens (some tamer than others) come over to visit and we feed them from a little plastic cups. We have one in our cup holder in the car, and they come running when they see our car. Last weekend I was out cleaning our grill for the season and some of the chickens came to wander around. I said to the

Now playing

I like Square Butts and I cannot lie! This haunted my dreams for well over a week. The king ranks just below clowns and mimes on my creep-o-meter.

I was the restaurant critic in a mid sized city in New York State. There were 3 or 4 of us in consideration, and they sent us to do a trial review at a sushi place. I’m pretty sure one of the factors in my getting the gig was that I ordered things with smoked eel, a raw quail egg, and a variety of sashimi. Others

If I could bedazzle a set of full length sheers and look like this, I would. But the “Band on the Run” look up against the wall doesn’t show it in the best light. In fact, lighting isn’t easy with this - front flash makes it look like she has some kind of alien tractor beam shooting out her ladybits.

Hakuna Vagina....

Maybe one of those Duggar types with only side cuddles

It’s spelt Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it’s pronounced Throat Warbler Mangrove

You THINK they are your parents, but why are there no pictures of you before age 2....and how come you never got milk in paper gable cartons? Hmmmm?

It’s not for a family - $29 is the allocation for a single person