
Maybe I’m just incredibly naive, but as someone who has very little activity on social media (Only a FB account I rarely use), is it really that hard to create a private, separate account where somebody can unleash their “inner asshole” without self sabotage?

Maybe not in every case, but certainly some of these assholes literally see nothing wrong with what they are saying, and place any blame on people just not “seeing the truth” or “respecting facts”. If they don’t see the problem with it, they see no problem with sharing their opinions publicly.

I know about the ‘battery saver’ half measure. It is entirely insufficient, as far as I am concerned.

A large part of the reason I have very little time spent playing this game is because of the moronic way it is currently played: Walking around with the screen on all the time. Until they fix that, I don’t really see any reason to play it more at all.