
Bran's visions slowed down.… One thought - why did Jaime stab the Mad King in the back? Second thought - perhaps the sun peeking through the snowy landscapes towards the beginning are the end of winter.

I suppose you could be right. This show is turning into a (very good) parable of truth, history and who owns the rights to the narrative. In doing that, even evil people will have back stories (Aerys eg - might not turn out to be mad at all)

Riverrun - Brienne, Sansa, Jon, Jaime, the Freys, Blackfish, Edmure. Maybe Ramsay.

Anyone actually like Dany and rooting for her?


A girl doesn't really know what's happened in Westeros for quite some time. She's learning as she goes. She's just learning the wrong version.

Are you a faceless man or do you like just not know their names?

Since Tyrion got shylocked with the shnozz

Arya v Withnail

Arya did save Jaquen en route to the wall remember.

i think there's more.

ur 1 of them dragon luvvies

you're too smart to be here

I loved that dialogue so much. About faces, masks, characters, truth, it was wonderful. Is she not going to join the troupe? I thought it may be her way back to Westeros with other faces, just not dead ones.

Quite slurry, probably hasn't talked to anyone in a while.

So we clearly know now, that Burn Them All is a reference to the Wights and the Mad King may have been a seer. Who tells the story?

It was good riding, Jaime Onehand.

Daario - you're no ruler but a conqueror, and I was like, yass Dario, finally.

Disagree. It's about who tells the story of our history. That's becoming the theme of GoT - that, and man is awful and the WW are the saviours.

Outstanding review. I thought Arya and fake Cersei were simply outstanding. Brilliant dialogue. Bran looks more like Benjen now with those almond eyes. King's Landing has been horrible for seasons but I cheered with Jaime and Cersei made out. I love Gilly's overbite. Yay some more Valyrian steele. Poor Edmure. Stoopid