
Pray tell

Interesting. I wonder how that would tie in with her own possible connection to Jon and whether she knows anything just yet.

I wonder how Jon will find out who his mother is - as in, who will be the one to tell him, given that there are no living witnesses from the Tower of Joy and Reed nor Ned ever told anyone what happened there.

Agree partly, but Sansa gave the line of the episode (and it's been said before) when she said that none of them will ever be safe unless they get Winterfell back. That is what the whole show is contingent upon. Yes, there are White Walkers to be defeated, but mostly, the Starks will not be safe until they are home.

Which means it's doomed at some stage for sure. They'll at the very least be tested and probably separated again.

Lil bit Ned and Catelyn no?

Swordplay and chill

And the Harpies are the Taliban and the Faith Militant are ISIS, just as predicted in the early 00s.

Golden Girls though

What's Daario's accent this week?

Ditto - just made exactly the same comment.

I've been tired of Ramsay since the old torture-Theon days. Gosh that dragged on. I miss the political and historical focus of the show. :(

That doesn't make sense. Who was defending King's Landing at Blackwater? Surely not the King's Guard and City Watch alone.

What about Baratheon forces? After all, Tommen is 'Baratheon'.

The bill comes to 3.99 plus tax, former Lord Commander.

Let me guess, are you a white man by any chance?

In the modern world: regain Winterfell, start a food blog dedicated to lemon cakes.

Which episode does Ramsay say he knows about the Stark kids getting away? Is that why he's so horrible to Theon?

Merci beaucoup

He could be way evil-er. I think we haven't seen his true motivation or his following. I see him as OBL-like.