
Everything from 1a down. And possibly waiting for another woman to admit hearing from Carlos Danger.

Ever since the WWE draft, the split shows do have days off: Raw works Thursday-Monday (including Raw) and Smackdown works Sunday-Tuesday so that the crews don't overlap with their days off

He's off to tape American Grit for Fox Television

(I feel if his show could’ve been called “The Minority Report” it would’ve faired somewhat better).

I don’t think either Bee or Oliver want to give up their one-day a week show for a 4-day a week show.

If only they did....but he didn’t work the last show because of shows in Wisconsin he is booked for.

I think Nightly works better as a one-hour weekly show/ one-hour daily show as opposed to CC.

Even worse, Nightly’s lead-in was not helping matters. While TDS has lost viewers, they haven’t been affected by the drop THAT much.

Per fan reports, Nightly staffers would be outside the studio trying to get people attending the taping

Or some weren't even in the running

There’s criticism and there’s driving a Cartoon Network employee off of Social media. Evidently, CN may have to step in.

I have a feeling that Cartoon Network might “encourage” the SU writing team to lay off of Twitter and/or start sending Turner’s legal department after the fans that have attacked Zuke


Going to 12:35 from 11:35 is a demotion and unless CBS really wants to repeat the Leno/Conan thing again, should they bump Colbert out, he may just leave the network.

Nobody tell Bojack Horseman or he'd have a heart attack!

Ahem, "confectionery puff rocks"

How about let’s not.

But will this actually be one movie or two movies edited into one again?

“put on a different route..... Until he decides to quit so we don't have to fire him"

Correction: "Roger sounds like an unemployed whiny, overstepping bitch"