
Gee, I wonder how THAT'LL go over with Standards and Practices

Yep. the K prefix is for stations west of the Mississippi River and the W prefix is for those east of the Mississippi with some exceptions (KYW Philadelphia KDKA Pittsburgh & WFAA Dallas- Ft. Worth)

Can the Rock put a T-shirt over his head and lock him out of the studio again?

Any relation to Homer?

Not only that, but Toonami staff said that going until 6am was tiring them out.

The guys behind Toonami mentioned on their streaming show “Toonami Preflight” was among other things: 1) of all the programming that surrounded Bleach, Bleach was the one show that pulled numbers in no matter what 2) that once Bleach ended they no longer had that singular show that brought in Bleach-like numbers for a

He’s going to need a bigger shovel for that hole he’s digging himself.

During his Connecticut Blueblood gimmick, Hunter Hearst Hemsley.

Yeah, he’s on scripted comedy show “The Detour”

CC saw Sam Bee, John Oliver and Jason Jones move to TBS and HBO and probably figured they'll back up the Brinks truck to Jessica too, so they acted first

Evidently, he's too expensive for what Hollywood thinks he's worth.

save that for All Takes Matter

Because Memphis is Lawler Country.

It was supposed to be the Black Grantland until Deadspin released Whitlock’ playbook and ESPN killed off Grantland. It’s pretty much a moot point.

Eh, all white people look the same ;)

They’ll just probably roll Kotaku and Io9 into IGN

I heard he was selling that shirt he wore on Chopped to make up for the funds

My guess is that Austen freaked out when she heard Fox Sports Florida looked into it and tried to have it taken down before Fox could punish her for it.

Letterman also produced the 12:30 show, The Late Late Show until Craig Ferguson left.

Not only that, evidently, once Colbert heard Letterman was hanging it up, he re-signed with Comedy Central with that contract ending around the time Letterman was doing his last shows.