
Yeah. Even worse, he found out about him losing the midnight SC on Twitter. ESPN has a thing for that now.

Sounds like that Dakota Fanning headline must be alluding to massive orgy—party, oops :)

Wait, this whole time, it wasn't an acronym?

Or maybe used whatever connections she had at E!. She made no secret of sleeping with an executive to get her E! show. Allegedly.

her bank account.

Apparently, with the money they have, it is that small

Chris Evans is also on BBC Radio 2 as well, he can easily return back to radio if he wanted to.

Remember, there’s no such thing as an “equal time rule” for the internet.

All this months after they let Olbermann out the door again. Hm.

The minute this heads to court.

And now an artist’s interpretation of angry elderly voters

you mean its not bright orange already? stupid HD televisions....

North Korea does the same thing—at least China maintains the building’s facade.

His brother is their insurance agent.

I understand that, due to your position, you can’t talk about it nor should you. I’m just saying is that until the people who are done with things the way you know they are go public, some people just won’t believe it until they see it. But I have a feeling that if it does get public, it will get ugly

But with Eddie and taking a check even if the project is bad was due to his upbringing where he was taught that if someone offers you a job, you don’t turn it down.

As intriguing to hear such a development, I believe most people (myself included) are skeptical and are in the “i’ll believe it when I see it” camp for obvious reasons. I do hope it does happen to give Hollywood a much needed shakeup.

WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!!111111