
Sorry, you misspelled the show’s name. It’s “This Week”

or just adopt UTC or just one main timezone.

That way we can stop hearing the “7 EST, 4 Pacific”/ “Six / five Central” and centralize it (heh) under one timeslot.

Plus if that happens, who hosts in the interim?

I think NBC may not do anything public until he either shows up drunk at a taping and causes a mess or he gets into a fight / accident that’ll embarrass the network.

Letterman a pedophile? Where did that come from?

Don’t forget Yahoo!... But we already did.

They were ultimately able to jump on the MLB International feed, but replay did return later in the game.

Per Joe Buck: Edinson’s wife wished that he wouldn’t be informed before or during the game and that KC & Fox also honored that wish until social media ran with the story. He was later pulled from the game.

If Fox has a RSN nearby, they better have a production truck floor it to the stadium.

Now, the real question is who spilled their monogrammed thermos in the truck?

But why are there 90 pictures of Paul McCartney though?

After ESPN ultimately walked back from buying into Fanduel, Fox Sports invested $50 million or so into Draft Kings. I bet they’re having a great time right now.

That’s why you don’t so drugs, kids.

The Nybro Action Team

The one that really got to me was the Miss Piggy-centered one: “Just another TV show starring an egotistical pig”

And there’s Bob Ley too.

He actually re-signed with ESPN and part of that new deal was the retooled midnight show and that he’d leave the radio show.