
Now, I'm sure you are very nice people but whatever you did to get punished to watch this movie, try not to do it again. Torture is wrong :)

Reading is fun, innit?

We'd love for Kotaku to name and shame, but Kotaku isn't looking for these individual people getting sued for a possible non-disclosure agreement violation or for Kotaku/ Gawker Media to get sued themselves for giving them the avenue to do so.

Yeah. All these stories have the "dream job" RIGHT HERE..

As someone said online in the comment section somewhere, the gist of it was "If someone has to call out their employer and the employer ends up responding to it in public, that employee won't be there long.

Even worse, Kilborn had a syndicated show on Fox stations that lasted a few episodes in 2010. He hasn't worked on television since. When you look back at his career from SportsCenter on to the 2010 show, his run on these shows don't last longer than 5 years

Kilborn lasted on the Late Late Show from 1999-2004. A relatively short tenure compared to Ferguson's run , which was from 2005 to 2014

From reports, the rumours were true. Not to mention that nonsense he pulled involving a show writer/producer that led him to get canned.

Not quite, Kilborn ended up replacing Tom Snyder on The Late Late Show and would be there until Craig Ferguson came around.

But I have a question: is it legitimate verbal rape or nah?

I thought Fox News was the Number 1 name in bullshit. Why is anyone surprised at this point?

At this point, I'm pretty sure the Closed Captioning department gave up.

All right, folks, get the phones out 'cause we need a WAAAAHMMBULANCE

To the NFL, this is essentially the bare minimum—It's all an image game, always has, always will. The league sees this as a win-win due to getting publicity of "working" with a domestic violence partner (despite it being no more than a shell organisation) while the league gets to, for a brief moment silence their…

Then again, most people would capitalise on an Oscars nod/win, especially someone who is trying to break out in America


I guess those [adult swim] checks aren't enough, it seems

re: ad timing