
That may be true, but outside of the cooling system they had nothing. Plus the international broadcasters weren't having the World Cup in the winter time as well as the English, Spanish and Italian leagues

Even worse, the fact that no one too into consideration that in the summer Qatar gets to 100+ degrees Farenheit

Darwin Awards

And Chan the younger's career is possibly done.

I think that story about that guy ordering a bowl of blue cheese from a few weeks ago should be revisited here because of the absurdity of it.

Who knows. If they do kill him off, this fans may riot

To the show's credit, Book 1 had a murder/suicide and in Book 3, The Earth Queen had the air literally bended out of her

Well...nothing we can do about that. At least the reason is known as to WHY she wears them

Actually, it isn't that she can't afford a stylist...but that her natural hair got destroyed. She said on Instagram that she had to dye her hair constantly to maintain the red hue that her character "Cat Valentine" had for the Nickelodeon show "Victorious" so frequently, it fried her hair and had to resort to wearing

Probably because this exposed the "secret" they keep teasing us to visit the site for lol.

In my opinion, Kinja's first layout with the greys and the ability to close a conversation was a proper way of keeping the comments clean from the trolls. I think that layout should be brought back so the mods can help clean house much faster. And also "burner" accounts should have the video and GIF-posting elements

Now playing

And here is video from Fox Sports Live on the matter:

Well, CN has a new president now in Christina Miller and the old guard left months ago. Hopefully under Miller, CN buys this up