
It's only a cement truck if you pronounce it "see-ment." Because it's definitely a concrete truck.

baby, be reasonable! I meant everyone else, not YOU.

Lighten up, Francis

Rear doors open 90 degrees, all that baby shit will easily fit in the bed (stroller will fit nicely in the Ram Box, maybe even the pack and play) and it has a subwoofer under the back seat so you can rhythmicly sooth him/her to sleep.

I hate this thing, but doors that open the whole damn thing up and an interior you can spray down.

Wondering how this answer is going to be "Miata."

I saw this car in person a few days ago at the Good Guys car show in Pleasanton California and I can tell you it is just as amazing to look at in person. Here are a few more pictures.

Looks like a frustrating place to drive a Ferrari.

It's a good price, but I wouldn't buy it because I have no desire to deal with 5 BILLION miles of vacuum tubes ever again in my life.

Well, there's your problem.

Complaining about potholes in spring is like taking pictures of the snow on your deck.

Minor nitpick, this would be called a "First Call Car" or a "Combination Car," not a Hearse.

1) MDOT is tired of cleaning up or shoveling lime onto deer.

OR!!!!1!1!!!!!11111 you could just eat road kill.

But with a 400A Ferrari will break even on the first tuneup.

If you are in the left lane, then by definition you should let others pass. Just because you are going over the limit, it doesnt give you the right to police the roads. .

I was totally distracted by her glorious afro.

I don't know about that, in theory since touch screens are solid state they should be more reliable than switches and buttons. That assumes that all the electronics backing them doesn't quit of course, but that is a problem for modern cars regardless of if they use a touch screen or buttons and switches, since it's

I would!!