Honestly, spending $117.70 at Playmates showsthe kind of fiscal restraint an organization should want to encourage among its executives.
Honestly, spending $117.70 at Playmates showsthe kind of fiscal restraint an organization should want to encourage among its executives.
The only thing worse than a bad Union is no Union.
Just FYI, when I get back to my computer from the bus stop I’m gonna ban everyone who came here to defend this doofus. Thanks.
Back OFF my man Peterman!!!!
It did count for something. It counted for 15 of 27 for 99 yards.
For three weeks, we have preached about how Game of Thrones teaches us everything we need to know about white…
The history of state execution has been one of attempting to minimize pain, suffering, length, and complexity while enhancing reliability (i.e., you don’t have to try more than once to make the victim dead) and maintaining some degree of theatrics, that last bit depending somewhat on the culture and political climate.
Maybe I’m not aware of the Gophers playing a Spring football game or scrimmage soon but what in the world is “MINNESOTA” painted on the field for, all ready? April fools?
If I had to take a guess, it’s probably because bloodshed in the name of nationality and race is perceived as morally wrong while bloodshed in the name of class is generally more justifiable. Nobody bats an eye at a phrase like “eat the rich” because the rich suck and oppress the working class. Everyone bats eyes at…
This is a very simplistic take. There was plenty of common cause between the jacobins and some of the US founding fathers, despite the very different courses of the french and american revolutions. They were essentially radical democrats, the leading anti-monarchists of their day. This doesn’t mean there weren’t…
Wrong song, friend.
His Twitter account is worth a follow.
His Twitter is pretty fun. He responds a lot in ridiculous ways to people who talk shit on him & doesn’t seem to take himself too seriously.
Unrelated, but did you know this guy’s also a British Army Captain? Like lead thousands of troops in Kosovo. Dude’s hardcore, and a great pick for “if you had to choose one celebrity for the zombie Apocalypse” type games.
It’s about a guy who’s high as a fucking kite on drugs in the subway stalking someone else’s girlfriend
Or people who think “Born in the USA” is patriotic. I mean, you could argue that it’s subversively/unconventionally patriotic, but it’s certainly no ode to Uncle Sam.
Props to him for responding to requests for comment. If nothing else, he’s recognizing it as the chance to tell his side that it’s always been.
I work for an Hispanic non-profit and this issue comes up frequently, especially in reference to the Census since Census data impacts funding and services. As Tim said Latino refers to people from Latin America, and Hispanic refers to people with ethnicities derived from Spanish-speaking areas. Some people can be…