
I miss the days where Dawkins was a worse ad hominem target...

I frackin hate that day. My girlfriend knows more about football then I do!

Good luck with that. Reminds me just a bit too much of the approaches of early sociology.
I'm not saying its impossible, but it has been tried and failed quite a bit. That is sad, yes. This approach might work, but I feel it is more important to highlight data-driven research in historical research.

Sounds great!

Oh my god thank you so much for dropping that name! I'm currently an undergrad majoring in philosophy and I had a class on practical reasoning (which had a fair share of female authors, something surprising in analytical philosophy).

Is there more to it then some crazy people over at lesswrong fearing it?

Or the least cencored by the suggestion engine

Serious question? Ehm, foot fetishists?

Indeed! I'd become a member if I wansnt a social democrat already :-)

Oh how could I have missed the Party for Work, Rule-of-Law, Protection of Animals, Advancement of Elites, and Grassroot-Democratic Initiative, short: THE PARTY?

I wouldn't call the Pogo party a prank, who wouldn't vote for the Punk band Die Kassierer?

Switzerland, at least, had by some strange chance a female majority in the executive federal council ;) Also, Hollande seems to try to achieve gender balance, having appointed 17 women and 17 men to ministerial positions. Yet the more important posts have male ministers, same in the german government (6 ouf of 15 in

Bad choice of words, as well would have been better - sorry, I'm no native speaker.

European party names translated to English are great. Here in Switzerland, there once was an Anti-PowerPoint Party, that in the end came down to a marketing gag, sadly.

I'm not sure I'd label that a breakthrough. Politics all around the world, and especially in France, is, as is remarked correctly in the article, very much a male field.

And maybe no talk of danger.

YOU are clearly a cylon! Into the air lock... oh wait, I'm already on earth.

In case you're intereste, and speak german or trust Google translate, the "salesgirl" spoke. In case you're interested, but neither applies to you, I might translate it, if you ask nicely.

Let's agree we are both odd as hell :D