
Are they shooting Bright on an FS7? Is that a thing? Why wouldn’t they just use an Alexa or Red? Is the scene maybe for some kind of video screen in the movie?

...Why? It’s for RoS only, which is already a paid expansion from quite some time ago. Just skip a burger to raise the dead.

The houses cost a lot, but at the end of the day… A lot of these people are working jobs they enjoy, in a sweet part of the country where there is a ton of stuff to do.

Costume looks cool. Maybe it’s time to remember that Halloween is about having fun for the night, not getting pedantic about the proper interpretation of a comic book character.

Dumb people.

You don’t hate the rich.

You figure out how to take money from them.

Not by stealing. By making something they’re willing to pay big money for.

Or you befriend them and have them share their secrets and their wealth.

Or marry into it.


I’m willing to bet humans set eyes on Antarctica long, long before modern human’s discovered it. I wouldn’t be surprised if a number actually made landfall (the proof of which would be hard to find based on the limited exploration and fact that it would be quickly buried). It’s just that so many people were exploring

This. I use an X1 Carbon for work and HATE the adaptive keyboard. Takes multiple taps to register, but I’m never quite sure if it took, so the setting gets toggled multiple times.

Regarding Supergirl... Shouldn’t the producers of Supergirl be focusing on.. you know... Supergirl? Their Superman is great and all and it’d be awesome to have a lighthearted, big blue boy scout, smiling Superman again, but he shouldn’t overshadow the star of a different show.

Though obviously the game is made in crude jest, it is in fact something that the Secret Service will at least review if aware. Friends of the family are ex-secret service, and boy oh boy, they take this stuff seriously.

Memo to all the people who keep bringing up the hogan sex tape and other things gawker did in the past, and whether you view gawker as real ‘joirnalism’. Read the fucking article. This is about more than just gawker now. He’s now going after Forbes, univision, NY magazine, and the daily mail. And I’m sure it won’t

So, the moral here is that I should stop bragging about masturbation?

Pretty sure when I asked Samsung if they were identical on the inside they said yes.