
Grow things that most people won’t recognize as edible. Most of my suburban neighbors would have no idea that potatoes were below the ground based on what the above ground foliage looks like. Dandelions are edible, as is purslane (most people think of that only as a weed as well), daylilies, violet, even hostas are

You are assuming you’ll still be able to buy potatoes, or *if* they are available that they’re only going to cost $3. You might want to reconsider that assumption.

The Native Americans managed to farm and provide food for their families without store-bought fertilizer, store-bought food for compost or store-bought seeds. Learn about companion planting, natural fertilizers and saving seeds from heirloom plants. Don’t forget quite a few plants can be grown in containers, such as

Of what use would this information be to those of us in New Jersey? I agree with the poster above, I can think of no situation in which the entire nation would need to be notified at the exact same moment. Terrorist attacks, natural disasters (including widespread ones such as hurricanes)- even incoming ballistic

Hmm... I wonder who says “sorry, you can’t do that” to the President when he decides he has a really important, really tremendous message he wants to send out to all Americans...

“right” not "write". 

If everybody has their device is locked up, and there is an active shooter (or a tornado warning or whatever) you’ve lost one of the most effective ways to notify the students and the teacher to take cover or evacuate. Mobile devices can be a great tool when used properly. I agree with you that the teachers should be

Maybe I am overly optimistic, but I really hope TSA would be detaining anyone who is trying to get onto a plane while carrying a gas mask in their carry-on luggage...

Also a photo of the iron, stove, etc. (anything that would start a fire if left on). Nothing like getting to the airport for a business trip and suddenly not being able to remember whether you turned off and unplugged the iron after you were done using it.

YES to toothbrush and toothpaste for that fresh feeling after snacks, food, and drinks but a big NO to using the water in the lav. Get bottled water from the flight attendants, or bring your own in an insulated water bottle filled post-security from a water fountain or purchased bottled water .

I felt that this article was directed more towards people that are in a romantic relationship but not cohabitating.

Dude. It’s not about a dependence on comfort texts in an unhealthy way. It’s about those “gentle touches” that let the other person know that you’re thinking about them. In the “old days”, if you weren’t physically near the person you would do it by sending the person a card in the mail “just because”. It’s those

I don’t know what you are reading but I saw no crucifying, bashing or vilification. I travel quite a bit for business and require Internet access in my room to catch up on everything else that arrived and needs my attention while I was training my client. “Free” Wi-Fi (in spite of the name) isn’t free - it’s part of

Fake news. I’m disappointed that the author didn’t bother to check this out with the manufacturer before posting an article based on one anecdotal occurrence... According to Amazon, alarms are stored locally on the Echo devices and work just fine when the WiFi is out...

There is a snooze feature! “Alexa... Snooze” works just fine for me when the alarm is going off. Multiple times, unfortunately.

I think the “right” technique is the one that produces the best results. Sous vide and then a quick sear may turn out better scallops than the pan because it is so easy to overcook them in the pan while trying to get the inside warm and the outside browned.

 I remember reading about that incident. I believe it was a flight attendant who perished, as a result of a broken neck she sustained on impact with the ceiling.

Full proof? Is that like dropping it in whiskey or something?

Thank you for your very civil and reasonable response to a most likely sincere but rudely worded question. Hail the High Ones!

The problem is that those types seem to be able to kill an entire van of churchgoing senior citizens and somehow survive the accident. Report-yes. Keep yourself safe- yes. If you can also end a potentially disastrous situation without endangering yourself - do it.