Jonathan is my Doctor Strange

Oh, no, I did (well I skimmed it because it was long). I realize my language was imprecise, I should have said that for a long time all the videos I saw could be summarized that way, and then I stopped following it, and nothing new has really thrust itself out at me since then. That video seemed to show off a lot of

Literally every No Man’s Sky video I’ve seen can be summarized as “Player lands. Player walks to static monument of some description. Player looks at it. Player leaves.” which has left me with the overall impression that this is going to be 2001 A Space Odyssey the game.

Oh, for sure. But that doesn’t really change the fact that Blizzard used them as an April fool’s joke in 2002. Especially since WC3 released in July of 2002.

Symmetra not in top 10

Okay, I know everyone likes to talk a big game about how pretty the new Hitman is, but I was scrolling past this article and I for real thought that header image was a photograph.

Yeeeeah. As a kid born in the early 90s I have no idea who that character is, and the whole premise just seemed sort of weird and unappealing. It’s like “BIG CARTOON MAN TRIES TO ADJUST TO MODERN LIFE AFTER BEING...SOMEWHERE? IT’S NOT CLEAR.” There seemed to be a lot of assumed knowledge about characters and

Oh, for sure. It’s definitely not the best comparison in the world, and what the oculus people are doing is unquestionably restrictive. I was just quibbling with the idea that it runs counter to some kind of deeply held ethos inherent to PC gaming. PC gaming is largely an open system, but that’s only true to the

If that little girl doesn’t turn out to be a second wave overwatch hero I will eat my keyboard.

I mean, PC games are regularly developed exclusively for Windows platforms. It’s not quite the same thing, but on some level it is still locking games to a particular subset of PC peripherals.

Of course. Whoever lost the feud had to adopt the winner’s hairstyle.

No. They are required by COMMON HUMAN JUSTICE to mail one directly to Andre Braugher without the formality of voting. She can have all the others though.

Yeah, I expressed that badly. I meant that a new player wouldn’t have the earned connection that liking the character seemed to require. I think that’s a fair criticism to a certain extent, but I also understand that it can be totally worth muscling through.

Yeah, I think that was sort of my problem with it. It’s hard to relate to a character who’s just having a bad time when you don’t come into it with any context for the idea that he’s having a bad time. He just seems like a gruff jerk. But since a fair number of people seem to think they did a much better job

You know, I might not have given him enough of a chance? Your description of him as dry, sardonic and understated totally clashed with what my perception had been. I had seen him as grim, overwrought, and self satisfied. The whole way he presents himself at the seige camp in the early stages of 2 came off as this

So I guess I’m a weird corner case. I’ve posted this in response to a few people above, but I’ll mention it here again. I quite like the overarching narrative and the setting seems pretty engrossing. I liked (or loved to hate) every character I saw in the brief time I played 2, but with one really unfortunate

Honestly it’s the DLC trailers that have really made me want to play it. I’ve watched the blood and wine footage going “uuuuugh that looks so pretty and cool and engrossing and fuuuuuuuuuun.”

So with 1 it was exactly what you mentioned, the infamously bad combat. Just couldn’t get past it.

With 2 (this is really stupid) I just couldn’t stand Geralt. Every other character seemed fascinating, the world seemed engrossing, the combat seemed a lot more manageable than the first game, but whenever Geralt said any