Jonathan is my Doctor Strange

Honestly, for a certain type of lower income white person he has an appeal that’s sort of similar to the appeal Sanders has for the progressive left. It’s NICE hearing the things you’ve always believed articulated in the public forum, and for a substantial subsection of the republican base that boils down to

I converted pretty hard to the Nightly Show when Jon Stewart left TDS. It’s honestly picked up super hard in quality since it first started.

I’m gonna try to actually get into Pillars of Eternity. I bought it when it first came out and played it for a couple hours, but I could never find a character build I actually liked.

Anyone have any PoE builds that are just super fun to play?

To be honest I forgot he was still in the debate. He’s even in the header image too.

I think you’d need to know the exact size of Trump’s penis, and then puzzle out some kind of inverse square law.

If we’re doing a civil war theme then...

A collection of overlarge guns none of them have any idea how to actually use.

That title sounds like what you’d get if Lifetime made hardcore porn.

Christ Rocket League got big.

Only if you don’t include the DLC. They combine for about the best story arc I’ve ever encountered in a stealth game.

Oh my god, you could teach the quokka to ride the wombat and become a MILLIONAIRE.

For sure. Everyone I know seems to fully understand that you can vote however you like in the primaries, but come November you tick the little box with D next to it. Don’t even have to read what name is written there.

Whenever the CIA needs to tell the public anything they should just send out the town criers.

After reading the descriptions for the first two I was largely convinced I wasn’t going to care about any of these, but the story one is a VALENTINE DETECTIVE AGENCY CASE.

I suspect a large part of my problem on that first run where I waited quite a while before attempting the mission was that an ADVENT officer retreated and pulled two mutons and four sectoids. And then I decided that trying the skulljack for the first time right then and there was a great idea.

I had never seen three

So this is horribly embarrassing, but I can’t beat the first blacksite mission.

The first run I thought it was because I left it too long, and all the mutons and sectoids overwhelmed me. Then I tried it two more times on new campaigns, and I got pasted by the ADVENT and viper defenders both times.

Anyone have any

Except we cancelled that program...

Lavender out of Burgundy. With a little more polish it could rise as high as Cerulean.

So the original game’s invasion happens in 2015, right? I love how many of the bios for characters include “Is regarded as something of a war hero for his/her actions in the first invasion” given the characters would have been five or six at the time. It’s in the Kylo picture, which is what reminded me.

I know right? I assume my check is just lost in the mail.