
My husband was on the San Juan <his first boat was the USS Spadefish SSN668 and he also was on the USS Miami SSN755> and it is always interesting to hear other opinions about the sub service. I know I had a blast on a tiger cruise except for the very annoying weapons officer so I went and hung out in machinery 1 with

Then they need to make new rules - not just ‘arms and legs and hair covered’ but *loosely covered and not skintight* otherwise they have absolutely NO cause for complaint.

Could be, that would make sense.

>>slutty clothing worn in a religious style.<<

an 8 year old goddaughter works as a bot, she found mining *fun* =) I had 2 accounts, I would kill stuff and she would follow me around mining. Best babysitting I did in a long time =) Pity she is now way too old to find it fun [and I now play GW2]

I can remember getting with friends in Everquest 1, rolling up a halfling and seeing how much of the world we could explore running through stark naked =)

I stopped playing EVE Online after VR was killed at Benghazi - not having that quiet ‘Hey Carebear, how you doing?’ coming at me in private chat leaves me with a huge hole in my chest where my heart was. Never met him in meatspace, and nongamers don’t seem to understand how you can have friends you have never met in

I was in the early and final betas for WoW - at the time I was a player and GM in Everquest 1. I played vanilla WoW until just before Cataclysm, and when Pandaria came out I reactivated my account for a month using one of the emailed offers. I absolutely *hated* it. Many of the zones were [in my opinion] fucked up by

Good for you =)

<shrug> Never wanted nor had kids, saved an assload of money for and done some neat shit that we don’t regret. If you have dreams, you need to see what to do to accomplish dreams, if that means not having kids until your mid 30s, there is nothing wrong with that. There is no law forcing you to hit 21 and start popping

Anybody think that the server may possibly have given bad service? Anybody get that soldiers side of things?

I am discussing inexpensive options, if you have the money for a chopped and channeled Bentley, knock yourself out. She claims she doesn’t have lots of money for a fancy handicapped van, and I pointed out that you can get decent momvans fairly cheap.

Sorry, I seem to have accidentally broken the 2 way mirror..... If it had been me finding it. Sorry, my balance sucks, couldn’t help it. I think I would actually start checking for cameras. Someone ought to check the local laws about expectation of privacy and see if there is something you could charge him with. He

artichokes, leaf by leaf finished with the base then use the leftover artichoked hollandaise as a bread spread.

Good deal =)

I do not want you to consider this anything except personal discussion. I have been on gabapentin at need for *nondiabetic* ideopathing neuropathy in my feet and legs [ the specific dx is to get the meds authorized by my freaking insurance, assholes] I know what causes the neuropathy - when I have a chondro flare the

*snicker* Back when I was 12 I got the poison ivy case of a lifetime - 80% coverage for about 6 months. It burnt out my allergy to it so I am totally nonresponsive to urushiol now - I can squat and pee in a patch and have nothing happen. It did teach me the wonders of ignoring calamine lotion in favor of Burow’s

There is a different format that is more like a cervical cap that is disposable.

There ya go. I think I will check out the web for a replacement for my old IH Scout manual. Screw buying new - they apparently don’t think people want manual vehicles any more so I guess I will put my wallet where I want to and buy old, nonelectronicified crap.

I am certain if you were to google me, you would find that I have been saying that we need the CCC and WPA back employing people, repairing and improving our infrastructure and circulating money back around instead of it being sent offshore and hidden for a fair amount of time [at least a couple years that I can