

Thanks =) I was raised to eat anything I am not actually allergic to to be polite.

I like Ivan Day's blog for pictures of Georgian through Edwardian foods, and Lost Past Remembered does all sorts of different era foods, she takes a good picture as well.

I was served dog [stringy, like cheap pork. Greasy, like lamb. Too much garlic and chili for my taste.] The Koreans who did it waited until I was done with my portion and then told me it was dog. I shrugged and asked for more [best way to deflate a prankster is to ignore the prank.] And back when I first moved to

I am broke ass myself - however as an option may I point out that Amazon has *groceries* and other online shopping opportunities that sell food ... back when I was working and had the money to spare I shipped someone a whole smithfield ham and a 10 pound bag each of [heirloom] jasmine rice and great northern beans.

LOL a ferret ball pit!

Rob is good about letting me know what will be happy together. Heck, he got a date palm to grow from a pit he spit out ... I can just about manage a good mold culture on a forgotten sandwich!

Not a problem for me - I have all sorts of recipes that I can make, I prefer to know people can actually eat in comfort at my house. After being fed mushrooms and taking a festive ambulance ride just so someone could prove I wasn't allergic to mushrooms cemented the need to deal with food issues in an upfront manner.

Nice! My husband is the one around here with the green thumb, I need the aerogarden to minimize my contact with plants ... I managed to kill an air fern once while following the directions perfectly. *sigh* We grew romaine in the aerogarden and it turned out ok though I would rather grow it in a windowbox or self

Nice. There is a cute little butter head lettuce [tiny tim, tom or something like that] that has a 45 day life, though for bang for the buck radishes are 20 days. I absolutely adore radishes and they are the perfect windowbox grower along with something like granada loose leaf red lettuce.

And so damned easy to make. I adore making a basic garlic and parsley butter 'sauce' for them.

I have nothing against jello based 'salads' and fancy desserts, hell, I grew up next o the town where jello originated and believe me I have eaten my share of jello =) It is just that some things shouldn't be considered food, and crap like cool whip is definitely one of them. If you look into food history, the odd

Only thing I don't like as leftovers is anything fish/seafood *except* for my homemade fish chowder.

Being diabetic, I menu plan everything [though we do go out to eat, as long as I can plan ahead I can eat anything I am not actively allergic to ... ]

Hell, we had a veggie garden when I was growing up and my brother and I [and assorted cousins and friends] used to hang out in the garden and eat random veggies, and the pears, plums and apples when ripe ... there is absolutely NOTHING like a cob of corn right off the plant, shucked and eaten raw. Sweet as candy.

In medieval history the leftovers [including uneaten bread trenchers*] were given to the poor that came to the kitchen door - the servants if they were not fed specifically prepared foods ate the leftovers first. [Royals, nobles and petty nobles, do I need to say? =) ]

Having undergone the classic diabetic food education at least 5 times, and having worked in a *real* restaurant kitchen I know portion control =)

I used to have an account with American Frozen Foods, and the thing I adored was I could get portion controlled individually flash frozen meat. They had a 6 oz NY strip steak that was fantastic. We had friends over one 4th of July for a cookout and they were pissed off that we had 'microscopic steaks' - in addition to

My roomies exfiancee threw away almost a whole Smithfield ham because he thought it went bad ...

Aerogarden of herbs FTW. I also suffer seasonal affective disease, so I have mine set to turn on at 5 am, and off at 11 pm .. it sits in my bedroom between my bed and my desk. Win win situation, I get a general light, and I don't need a special SAD light. I have to keep using the herbs or they take over the bedside