oh yeah, they didn’t actually write the quotes in COD. They’re pretty great in this context, though.
oh yeah, they didn’t actually write the quotes in COD. They’re pretty great in this context, though.
I always really liked the quotes in the COD games when you die in singleplayer, like “btw actual irl war is fucking horrible”
okay now understand this purposeful me sorry ;__;
forgot word
seems pretty worth it
...100+ hours in MGSV since release date, if you enjoy having a life, don’t get this fucking awesome game.
lol yea I somehow played the phantom pain, went back and played every single MGS, then I spent an hour reading the lore.
beyond sold on the phantom pain. I spent an hour reading through the lore of Metal Gear today so I could fully understand what was happening. In addition to solid game play and a REALLY long single player campaign, there are so many subtle nuances that one really cannot ascertain without playing the game. Absolutely…
I miss all the MW2 maps so much, I would buy a modern COD with all those maps if that was a thing.
honestly, this game deserves a full 3d/HD remake. I’m bored of playing it, but I think it deserves to be re-invented in a modern context for newer, younger gamers.
aw is this just for PS4? I’m reminded of life is strange but wayyyyy darker. I love this snow level, the tension reminds me of The Shining
von does NOT come off as mean, this seems more playful than anything.
I’m pretty sick of “both sides”. Honestly, the gun owners who have crazy delusions of persecution and overall societal tunnel vision of everything in the world that isn’t guns and gun rights are the ones who influence the political process the most. Gun Reform will have to be a forced issue, and we’d probably have a…
6/10 you’re fumbling
dearest patty, don’t worry about shitter trolls who thinks all content on the internet somehow appears on reddit first. I would not have seen this had you not posted it.
9/10 not bad trollin kid
I feel you, alcohol was fun before I turned 21, then I got too drunk and made an ass of myself in front of my friends and I didn’t drink much until I turned 24. You’ll find a thing that you can drink, everyone does.
participated in an 8 hr COD4 lan party, can definitely confirm weed made me a better player.
I would loooove a point and click horror game. I kinda struggle with horror games because the anxious tone distracts me from using the right combo of buttons at key moments to get out of a situation (I’m lookin at you, silent hill franchise combat), so to mainly focus on the narrative and design sounds siqqqqq.