
catchy tune, also she’s super precious

ew dude

itunes crashes on start up for me so I haven’t been able to use it in a year, before that it was too slow. 2003-07 iTunes was legit imo

I highly doubt Tucker Carlson’s book does what Stewart does as effectively, considering dude still doesn’t understand this:

you wanna know how I can tell you don’t watch the show?

most of the cutest Pomeranian instagram accounts are in south korea

I bought the south park game day 1 mainly because I trusted Matt and Trey to oversee a working product, despite Obsidian’s track record with glitches.

did you mean to say Bernie Sanders is the Ron Paul of the left?

it’s pretty tedious, we get it, you’re mad that some idiot got caught cheating on his wife

lol he ruined his own fucking life thinking he could trust a porn star

the handguns look like not to scale with the deadpool model in the trailer I just watched, it was like cartoonish

a term used for misogynists that was probably made by misogynists, classic

I’m so happy this is on here. It’s funny but that part where he’s trying to save that guy but can’t is actually kinda dark

the movie is way better than this position.

...8 years ago I snorted meth and fucking DESTROYED all of my friends at smash brothers (64) with Luigi. Speed and Video Games can make insane shit happen gameplay-wise but it’s also so fucking horrible for you.

this is scary as shit

really loved FONV, Alpha Protocol, and South Park:TSOT so I’m glad to hear them doing well.

I’ll be happy once more MVM maps come out. Mann Up Mode tickets are the biggest seller on their store and they still haven’t added more tours.

I just re-watched season 12 today, I feel pretty good about it? to each their own I guess

I dunno dude, I’m re-watching when peter gets the forklift and helps joe walk, I kind of hurt from laughing. I kinda think the jokes are still mostly there and that FG has never been funnier but to each their own.