aruneous really think a bad episode of the simpsons is better than a good episode of family guy?

I kinda hate whole foods cuz they bought wild oats when I worked there and fired almost everyone at my store.

I agree that there are less fleshed-out interesting characters in FO3, but I feel like Bethesda seems to address a lot of fan service mods in a meaningful way. I imagine the same might become of their story-telling?

uncle leo def encapsulates the spirit of the random encounters from the old games.

“As much as I enjoyed Fallout 3, I can’t remember a single face that populated the Capital Wasteland”

borderlands pre sequel is kind of a waste of money

borderlands pre sequel is kind of a waste of money

do these dudes have a kickstarter up or something?

I sand by ted cruz!

Now playing

I love this dude, here’s another banger from him

...they should have done this with the summer edition red bull, that one actually tastes pretty good.

I love fallout but I will feel VERY embarrassed for whoever I see walking around with that monstrosity on their arm. Will make for some cool cosplay

I buy games and I pirate them, BUT I would not have pirated the majority of games that I have if steam had this return policy in place sooner. I’ve been burned too many times by developers (I’m looking at you Epic) to not have some kind of skepticism but I see a bright future for digital commerce

I wonder if some of the named characters in the lunch box cards that aren’t FO3 characters are upcoming FO4 characters?

this is the epitome of “tee hee”

game ruining glitch:

the women look exhausted after “mating”

I’m seeing a lot of complaints here in the comments, you guys are fucking ridiculous.

okay it’s tight that amy did that but a celebrity tipping someone a lot of money is such a non-story! I was pretty unhappy at LAist for reporting on Bono doing the same thing, it’s just makes me think “in other news, water is still wet”

I literally haven’t played anything besides Tales of Phantasia, how has the series been since then?

wow nothing could prepare me for that child brainiac, holy shit