
Marilyn was and is really underrated as a comic actress. A dramatic one too. She came up in a shitty misogynist world. That used her and abused her. Her big number, the song of the gold-digger, “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” isn’t about loving flashy jewelry. It’s about financial security. French gentlemen

“Libertarians, theoretically okay with their teenage daughters selling their bodies for drugs.”  

EXACTLY.   He was a fucking ghoul from the beginning, now he’s hanging it on “partisanship” and Both Sides Do It?   Fuck him, seriously.    Huh, he was all for the GOP to become the Gestapo Party, but it was “partisanship” that drove him away?  Rather than the fact his party has indeed become the Gestapo Party?  This

I used to hate the extreme right more since I tend more centre-left but these days the stupidity of the extreme left is making me question that.

It’s July, summer. Doesn’t Thanksgiving seem far away in time?  Now, add a year to that, and that’s when Election Day is.  No one is going to remember this one debate, already flogged to death last week. 

Ahhhh, YES, this is the masterful HamNo hot troll garbage I fucking live for.

Agree. I lived in SF for many years, miss it terribly, left my heart there. The problem of homelessness there is as you say, not different from other major cities, and there is always a political slant when that’s used against that beautiful place.

“All of them, Katie.” 

I just watched this most recent one of Divorce. And it seems ..really pointless. Gentrifiers of picturesque parts of slightly upstate NY, they have complicated relationships. They bring their neuroses from the city to somewhat above Westchester, on the Hudson. This show..I don’t even remember if SJP’s character is

I’m intrigued but only just a bit into Big Little Lies, but Meryl’s sense of menace brings me in for S2. But I’m put off by the gigantic artificiality of that Disco Party, especially for.. what was it, children and tweens, or something?

Ha, I don’t know what to think about Montana now. Except people should stop naming their kids after states to be cool. But hey it was the 60s. I can’t remember if she was cool or kind of a jerk. I suppose letting a very underage kid under your care drink wine while MTV is rolling film is possibly the stupidest

I hear you, I think what Pose is doing is great, especially its collaboration with the contemporary trans community, giving priority input to make the show. I didn’t sound that way, and I did not give Pose (and Murphy) its due. Of course it’s a great thing, and high production values are what we want to see. Plus,

No, that was Montana.. but Duffy used to smoke cigars like he was already a corrupt Republican pol, just to annoy Kameelah.   God, I am freaking myself out how much I remember this shit, ha.  

I do read the Times every day, it’s a lifelong habit since I was 10 and now I’m 50. Hard to break. But it’s not just op-eds, it’s in the straight news articles too. There’s always this slant and tilt warning that the Dems are going too far “left” because some think health care is a right. It’s fuct up. The Times

I listened to it more closely.   Macron says something about “social justice”, in heavily accented English.  Then Theresa May agrees, and also discusses the economic part of that.  And then Dingbat Barbie- who has been nodding and interjecting “Yeah. Yeah.  Uh-huh”.  And then she tries to hijack the topic towards

In my fantasy, NK abducts Jared and Ivanka and holds them hostage for a few years.  In the Otto Warmbier Suite. 

What was said.. I wasn’t sure what Theresa May was discussing, but Ivanka seemed to interject.. “and defense.. also very male dominated.. mm-hm.” And the actual world leaders seemed quiet, marveling at this dingbat’s amazing observation.  

Oh wow.. pretty unforgettable.  Re-watching just now, I realized I had the whole scene memorized, every word of dialogue.  Like Shakespeare, ha. 

Weird thing- there’s an Old Town Road in my town, and on Google Maps someone had plunked down “Lil Nas X” on that road and I dumbly was, “Uh, does he live here?”, ha. 

“ his appalling history with locking up folks,”- Well, wait for the future debate when Kamala’s record as an extremely zealous prosecutor comes up. She personally sent more POC to jail and fought hard to keep them there with extended sentences, for years. It’s not going to be pretty.