
“Quelle bimbeau.”

So so well said.

I sort of guessed that- that you were very young at the time, her political affiliation wouldn’t mean anything to a kid. But yeah, she was specifically brought on to MTV to represent “young conservatives” in the 90s. Probably to head off criticisms from rightwing assholes that the (rock n’ roll!) channel was “too

Yeah, Kennedy the VJ is a regular on Fox News now! And has her own show on Fox Business.  It’s really not surprising. She goes by her full name, Lisa Kennedy Montgomery. 

I liked London season a lot too. Jacinda seemed to be a Kate Moss figure with her modeling, which was interesting. (“Wait- there’s no maid?” she said when she arrived at the house.) Neil had his music and I think an Oxford degree? Lars was a DJ, Sharon a singer. I also liked seeing London as it was then, a little

Yeah, and Sean Duffy had the nerve to complain how hard it was to raise his child army and keep two houses on his Congressional salary and gold-plated benefits and pension for life. Fuck him. You know he’d be the first to tell poor people not to have so many kids if they don’t want to be poor. Party of personal

She was a proud college Republican, sort of flaunted her ardent Catholicism, and seemed a bit homophobic at first. She loudly freaked about living with Pedro, afraid of his disease. To her credit, she came around a lot on that. But yeah, she’s a rightwinger in a tight dress on Fox News now.

I really loved the first few seasons of RW. It was Gen X anthropology with a certain flair. Favorites in no specific order: SF, Boston, Seattle, London,NO, Miami. You’re right it started downhill with Hawaii, and def. by Return to NY.

No. Current modern-think brought to you by Splinter or Jezebel (or Christina Cauterucci at Slate) needs you to know that history should be completely rewritten to suit the current mood. According to the NewThought, gay American white guys had nothing to do with working towards gay equality in the 20th century.

Now playing

It’s a great and disquieting film. You see Venus Extravaganza talking about her difficult life, (Though her cousin or nephew has said she was always welcome at the family home. She was not as alienated from her family as the film made it seem.) In fact, Jennie Livingston filmed her interview with Venus at the family

Yeah, how wild to consider there is a a gigantic gay and queer history before Ryan Murphy blessed FX with his show less than two years ago. God bless Ryan Murphy, without him the rest of we gay people would just be silly little gay chickens running around with our silly gay heads cut off and no idea of our history.

My question is why the fuck Milo Yiannopoulos hasn’t been deported and banned from the US already. They ban people for far less that being an unemployed deadbeat hatemonger and shitheel. Not the sort of immigrant we want! I understand that the Mercers sponsored him (more wingnut welfare) but they’ve dropped him, so..

I’m glad he was frustrated, because fuck Chuck Todd and his loaded gotcha questions.  Hey, remember all those deeply discussed plans the Dems have for mass gun confiscation?  Me neither, but this dingbat seems convinced they exist, because his brain is sour porridge.  He’s worse than useless, he’s actively out to

I had a feeling that the 2 friends E Jean told would probably be well-known themselves. I do recognize newscaster Carol Martin from her picture. Lisa Birnbach is the author of the epochal The Preppy Handbook from 1980, which adds a welcome bit of randomness. I haven’t thought about that book in years, but I found

Kinja sucks so fucking hard., and everyone rightly hates it. It’s a goddamned piece of shit commenting system so full of bugs and quirks and failures, it belongs on the trash heap of History, it sucks so fucking badly. Is Nick Denton still hiding out in Hungary doing shady things with his coders there, that makes you

I’m gay and have always had mixed feelings about the rainbow flag representing us. All of us under an expanding umbrella. I sort of agree with David Sedaris, who said “I must’ve been out of the country when we voted on that one.”

I fucking seethe with hatred and contempt for Chuck Todd.  He is a moron, full stop.  He’s a total idiot who’s just there to tickle the balls of people in power while he’s blowing them.  A truly amoral fuckhead.  

She once dated Dinesh D’Souza. After that, how bad could a loaded diaper be?

About bisexuality: I’m old, I’m 50 now. I started the 80s as a boy and ended them as a young man. (11-21). I had tremendous crushes on girls my own age, I fell in love with them easily. I was a lonely by in a new town, chubby with glasses. I liked girls a lot.

Please marry me, Binky. My vast manicured estate in Southampton is so lonely. They never stop clipping and shearing, it never ends with the landscapers. They are always there, like gremlins while I’m in my study, slowly going mad. It’s a sorrowful thing that my rose gardens once made Lee Radziwill swoon in jealousy,