
My problem is not that Tyrion is being outsmarted on the field, it's that he's not letting Dany use all of her resources. Here's another way they could have approached it.

It's not shown in the flashback in the show, but I feel pretty confident that Cersei will die the same way (or at least gets killed by the same person) as in the books. It's too big an event to deviate from the way GRRM intended it. Therefore, even though the valonqar part is not shown in the show, I think the show is

"So, who were you “rooting for” in that battle?"

Yeah this one thing I agree with Bran. I think he should mention it to Jon first or wait until he comes back to reveal it to everyone. Someone like Littlefinger might use this information to create more chaos.

"Hey Sansa… you know about warging right? We listened to stories about warging from Old Nan when we were kids? Yeah, so… that's a real thing. And, I can do it. But it's so much more than that. If you know what you're doing, you can sort of "warg in" to these old weirwood trees and effectively access all of spacetime

I love how Jack is kind of just turning into Gavin now. I guess there's just something about the positing of being the CEO of the biggest tech company in the world. The insane pressure of it combined with the massive ego boost of having that much power, I guess it drives you crazy. :D

Yeah they have gone through so much plot this season. They can pretty much pick any one or two episodes of this year and build an entire season around it.

Exactly! I thought that joke was genius. It kind of subverts a sort of trope of writing in a way. A way for the writer to give everyone in the room a line of dialog.

Probably not. But maybe Nacho will slip up or get too emotional. Maybe Hector will find his behavior suspicious and becomes more careful. Any number of things may go wrong. Let's wait and see.

This is what I thought. I think it's either a fakeout or he'll get caught.

Chuck has almost completely broken Jimmy's trust at this point. I'd say from Jimmy's perspective, would not be wise to show up at Chuck's house again. He should approach any news related to his brother with suspicion.

True. He would be an idiot to show up at Chuck's house after all that's happened. Easier to make a clean break. But seems like Chuck is finally considering the possibility that he has a mental illness and trying to seek help.

So this season is basically the United States' counterterrorism industry trying to survive an existential threat, which is an anti-war President?

True. I don't think it's Dar Adal. Aside from the fact that his life's work is to stop his country from being attacked, it's highly risky to get involved in that shit. But whoever it is, has been onto Carrie since the beginning, and are going to great lengths to build a false narrative. It'll be interesting to see how

LOL I like this. He will be the Kenny McCormick of Westworld

Yep. There is a certain unpredictability to human actions as far as Samaritan goes. I guess in the end it will be the human element that will make the difference in the fight, and not The Machine fighting against Samaritan on her own.

I was surprised there was even a season 2. I felt like, apart from a few points here and there, the story was pretty much complete. But I liked how season 1 turned out and I am going to give this season a chance.

Hmmm, I'm not aware of all the technicalities but I am of an impression that if you kill someone in front of hundreds of witnesses and confess to it, whether it is tried as murder 1 or manslaughter, you can't get out without doing jail-time.

hahaha… all network crime shows are predictable and most of them are mediocre. when i watched the mentalist first I liked that there was a sense of realism to it… but now, I think that has faded. Jane wins a million dollars in a high stakes prison game?! c'mon! and the jury finds Jane not guilty after confessing to