
Well, that’s a bullshit rule.

Rubbish. The Queen danced with the president of Ghana at its independence celebration in 1961, shocking (white) South Africans. The one and only time she’s been political was when she let it be known that she opposed Thatcher’s apartheid appeasement. She will be fine with this.

I was on one where the defendant’s attorney asked how many of us had been sexually harassed, then looked ill when every single woman and many of the men put their hands up.

I actually want to serve on a jury which is probably why I never get called in. This is also my theory of why I never win the lottery.

I don’t really understand all the hate for “open concept” design plans. Of course, anything can be taken to extreme, and I’m not saying everyone should be forced into an open concept house (and like all design shows, the Property Brothers have a certain design shtick that they reproduce over and over on almost every

Legislators aren’t scouring the criminal code for anachronistic law. It doesn’t matter if it’s rape, livestock theft, debtor punishment, etc., fixes are made incrementally as cases come up. As the country ages, we’ll always see laws that aren’t consistent with current social mores; those laws shouldn’t be viewed as

You know that, I know that, anyone who’s ever paid attention to a natural disaster knows that. The POTUS, on the other hand, knows he has no properties on the island, time to talk about something else.

That was TMZ, who are never ever classy about stuff like this. The team statement is in the last paragraph.

I appreciate the firm tone of the Weeknd’s team statement. There’s no distancing in there about how this has nothing to do with The Weeknd, no hedging bets as to the crew members’ culpability. It shouldn’t feel refreshing to see a response like this, but sadly, it is.

Somehow, Jada Pinkett-Smith’s statement is actually more insufferable. She’s trying on religions to seem worldly and open/accepting.

You know that that (mis)quote had nothing to do with whether she had read the bill, right? She was saying that once the bill was passed the American people could find out what it did instead of relying on what she felt were inaccurate reports about what it did.

 Do you have chronic illness though? I don’t know ANYONE with a fatigue type illness like Lyme/ Dysautonomia/ M.E./ Mast Cell disorders/ Post-Encephalitis etc etc, that wouldn’t love a personal health concierge that actually knows their shit and knows how to research to make their appts etc. I didn’t even know there

A more fitting punishment is to tell them they are getting 5 years probation and then jail them for a year. That would be a great reaction vid.

That’s because the people who would be interested in the New Yorker aren’t fucking savages.

Combining my two great loves — fonts and pop culture trash — in one post is more than this girl could dare to dream to happen on this otherwise ordinary Thursday.

*squee* That clip of her “chomping” on the thigh of one of her caretakers, gets me every time. Fiona is too cute for words.

I’ve got a friend named Phil who wets the bed still. He told me it in confidence, but here we go.

Was having a conversation with my husband about this yesterday. I said that he was able to see it from the stage bc she was crowdsurfing, but that I guarantee there were all kinds of women being groped in the crowd that the musician on stage wasn’t able to see. Mr. FashionDon’t was shocked when I told him that this

Judge Judy Sheindlin is an American icon and gem. She ought to be treasured and beloved, not disrespected. Shame on you!