
Was going to reply saying just this. Parmageddon is the VASTLY superior pun.

“But if someone has their hand on me in an inappropriate manner, I’m not going to stand still to take a photo.”

You don’t know that. You may think you know how you would react, but until it happens, you don’t. And even if it has happened before, you don’t know what will happen the next time.

I don’t think I am confused, but thanks.

Oh, and a queen consort does remain a queen once the king dies; she becomes a queen dowager. But, you know, thanks for trying to explain monarchies to me, you clearly know more than I do. :)

In theory, if a monarchy wanted to use “king consort” as a designation, they could. It has been done before - Francis, the husband of Queen Isabella II of Spain, was a king consort. But it’s not common (seriously, the wikipedia page on “king consort” has a grand total of two examples) and to my knowledge, there is no


“Queen” as a title is short for “queen consort” or “queen regnant” (well, there are a few other options as well) The wife of a king is a queen consort. A woman who is a monarch in her own right is a queen regnant. Both titles are shortened to “queen,” but they are different roles.

Did not realize that Denmark had used a king consort title before. That does make it different, as there’s precedence for the title.

Right, but that’s queen consort. Not queen regnant. For women, the naming convention for both the consort and the monarch is “queen.” For men, it’s generally only the monarch who gets the title of king. Consorts remain “prince,” like Prince Phillip over in the UK.

It seems weird to me that someone who is a member of the monarchy would not understand how monarchies work.

I thought you were talking about calling 911, but now you seem to be talking about EMTs?

I took it not as a rhetorical question, as in, “Do you know why he [did that thing]? [Explanation of why he did that thing.” But rather a genuine question - “why on earth did he challenge you to a duel when you can beat the shit out of him?”

Yeah, it isn’t always easy to find that info, and even RAINN doesn’t have contact info for every RCC. But 911 probably isn’t going to be able to tell you anything other than “go to the closest emergency room.”

I’d suggest calling your local rape crisis center, instead. They have experience with the different hospitals and their SANE programs. You call 911, well, I’m not even sure they’ll tell you which hospitals have a SANE on staff, as opposed to who has to call one in from a multi-hospital coverage association, versus

Dammit, that restaurant is where my mom got engaged. And now it’s ruined.

Regarding the used to be friends with him, do people change in their 70s thing, it seemed like Joe was maybe going to imply that there was something going on like dementia - he says something like “not sure if I should say this” and Mika responds “no, you should, you should say it carefully, but you should say it.”

in order to get an annulment, you have to demonstrate that you know something now that would have stopped you from entering into the marriage had you known it earlier.

Moreover, they were all paid attendees, and had every right to appear as audience members at that panel.

Except that the post from Hank Green says that

We were literally just talking about moldy rape kits today at my job at a rape crisis center.

I have what my doc and I call “not-endo.” That is, all the classic symptoms of enod, but when I had my surgery to officially diagnosis it, there was nothing there. My reproductive organs are “shiny and perfect.”

I complained to my doctor about the pain within a year of starting my period. Once I started birth control,

And the third question is how to effectively treat pain. Because combating the opioid epidemic has to go hand in hand with figuring out better solutions for managing pain - and not cutting people off from opioids who actually need them - or else both problem will never get better.