
That’s nice.

Melania’s Playboy spread was among the classiest and most dignified ever. The numbers were YUGE!

She’s thin with big boobs. For men like trump that’s all that matters. Personality and brains are cons not pros.

We could all be saying a lot of things about Melania Trump, but we’re not, which I find refreshing. However, Michelle Obama has 1000x more credibility and grace. A great first lady and hopefully a continued influential presence in our world.

That’s her “cause.”

She’s a MAN, baby!

Opportunistic and plagiarist!

SHE HAS PUBLISHED NUDES. can you IMAGINE the mud slung at Michelle if there was such things published of her?!?! like wtf people. I couldn’t care less about nudity but its so astonishing the shit people like this are willing to overlook in the name of promoting their racist views

Probably needs contacts but doesn’t want to wear them so she won’t have to see the disgusting slop of garbage she has to sleep with.

Two words that I think of: Eastern-European hooker.

Do you think she’ll even bother to pick an issue to champion as First Lady

Their taste is the definition of tacky

I think of her as “Moose and Squirrel.”

She can start with her husband and the basket of deplorables he’s got as his transition team.

This is the only time I’m going to comment on her appearance ever... She’s not even beautiful. (I never like to comment on women’s appearances but I just couldn’t help it)

She can’t open her eyes fully anymore. She’s not squinting; that’s the best she can do after all the cosmetic surgery.

Do you think she’ll even bother to pick an issue to champion as First Lady, or did she not expect Donald to win and has no interest in any of it? My bet is she would pick “healthy diet and exercise for the children” until she finds out the White House staff doesn’t stay on when the Obamas leave.

I wouldn’t call her beautiful. From the photos of her before she married that mangled apricot hellbeast, she’s quite beautiful, but excessive plastic surgery has taken a toll.

Paralyzed with Botox and seething within.