
I think he might be senile and honestly no longer remembers what he said or did in the past.

That is wrong, I’m no lover of Clinton, but that autocomplete does NOT do what you say. I entered it multiple times from different computers and “Hillary Clinton sc” always came back with scandals. Not science, not scolding, not scrape, no other combinations. So, you are wrong in your assertion.

Person 1 - Statement

He also denied sniffing during the debate. How narcissistic do you have to be to deny something so very petty that millions of people saw you do minutes earlier and exists on tape for all eternity?

3:13 PM: Trump supporter says “Yup” then pastes a twelfth Trump for President on the back of his 8 mpg pickup truck.

1:17 AM: Trump denies the existence of universe, Philip K. Dick turns on his grave.
1:18 AM: Trump denies the denial of existence, sues Philip K. Dick.

And in case anyone still thinks Trump has any credibility left:

Shootin’ at the walls of heartache, Bing Bong

Trumplestiltskin please.

3:13 PM: Trump announces launch of, a new search engine which will answer any question with “Wrong…”, “I don’t say that…”, “Call up Sean Hannity…” and “Rosie O’Donnell deserves it and nobody feels sorry for her”!

Lester Holt, a Republican, is biased against him because the called Donald out when he lied during the debates.

Self-centered, angry, wife and kids don’t want anything to do with him, rational people don’t want anything to do with him, probably impotent. In fact, I used to work at a pharmacy, and he definitely has the “irritated pre-Viagra face”.

Try within the hour.

3:09 PM: Trump team denies Google and Bing accusations, notes that Clinton was the one who accused them.

3:05pm Trump team denies Google accusation, claim misunderstanding

File under: things Trump election spokesmen will deny he ever said tomorrow, while Trump is saying it live on camera at another rally!

You forgot Mexican judges

Uh, how about all of us who ARE against him?

So Google’s against him, the GOP establishment is against him, all of the TV networks are against him, several major newspapers are against him, every debate moderator is against him, electronic devices like microphones are against him, the election commissioners are against him...

File under: things Donald Trump will deny having ever said a month from now.