
My wife and I are currently trying to pay down our student debt. A majority of our debt is from her medical school, and she came out of school about a year ago with $150K in debt. The way we are tacking this is we are living like we never left college. In addition to that, some strategies we are tacking the debt are

Speaking as someone who's part of that one-in-five statistic, I just want to reiterate that this isn't an easy fix to a complex issue. But speaking also as a parent, I'm going to do everything in my power to help my daughter avoid suffering the same way.

I'm about 90% certain he's supposed to be Locke from Final Fantasy 6.

Not encouraging self-diagnosis, but I am encouraging readers to discuss alternative tests with their doctor.

The purchase price is so low you could just save that monthly payment for 6 months and buy the damn console. The issue is self control over spending which it seems a lot of people don't have.

Yeah. Login with your account and "buy" all of the free PS+ titles. You'll be able to download them as long as you have PS+, even if the game itself is no longer free.

The scariest takeaway from this whole thing is that the criminal would've been able to successfully carry out his scheme if he'd not gotten over-ambitious. The fine line is a very frightening place.

People watch Netflix on their computers?

Some people in here are breaking my fucking heart.