
The last two thursday night games have actually been riveting, surprisingly enough

Take a step back and realize that many conservative policies lead directly to 3rd world scenarios. Q: Is the maternal death rate during childbirth in Texas closer to the US average or to mexico?

No mention of Olympic 7's? Best avenue for novices to get into rugby (7 minute halves!)

Has anyone done the math on how much Kombucha a 220 pound 27 year old male would need to drink in order to hit .04 (which i believe is what he was tested at)? If my math is correct 1 16oz 5% beer consumed in 1 hour would get him to about 0.02-0.04. If this is 10X the concentration of kombucha he would have needed to

Also a good idea to always ride with spare tube(s) and I prefer the CO2 cartridges for filling over hand pump. You will never get a very full road tire using a hand pump and it takes a good 15 minutes even for a skilled rider, whereas cartridges will fill that baby up and allow you to top off your other tire in half

You keep clicking on the articles, dummy. Maybe find some other snowflake corner of the web where your precious biases go unchallenged

Yeah fuck all these people concerned with the environment! They act like we actually NEED the earth or something. ‘Murica would be just fine on its own without the LOSER earth

snowflakes melt my heart

You know all of those things are the cheap elements of healthcare? Guess what the expensive things are, dumbass.

It needs to be affordable AND worth a damn. What happens if you dont have insurance and get cancer, dumbass? Now with your pre-existing condition, you dead. Does that seem like a policy befitting the richest nation on earth?

They had an NHL analyst? 2 even?

Not sure if it is really that weird, but I do always get faces when people find out I am eating a peanut butter bagel or waffle with extra butter.

I want to see what the USA hockey officials make. If it is also 6K for 6 months of work then fine, but I expect that to not be the case. Seems a lot like NCAA and their athletes. “Where will the money come from???, nevermind that the coach makes 5 million/year.

Its such a shame because the Irish have a burgeoning craft beer scene. Galway Bay Brewing Company and Franciscan Well would do quite well here in Ca.

Polo athletic quarter socks. Great breathability and I get to pretend I am a fancy horse person

Polo athletic quarter socks. Great breathability and I get to pretend I am a fancy horse person

Neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, Huntington’s etc) are truly tragic for both those afflicted as well the family and support staff. More candid stories like this are needed to prepare people for this possibility, which unfortunately will only become more common as the U.S./world population

Not only are Dr.s in family medicine grossly underpaid to start, but from the chart you referenced, they also managed to choose the only discipline that experiences a decrease in income from the average starting salary to their 6 year averages. Ouch