
i likeit, it forces me to have two weapons on hand, its nice to mix it up

There is a difference between creating new art and copying some art someone else did. It’s a different time consuming process. Good for him that he wants to work for free. I don’t understand the issue. You don’t want to buy it then don’t buy it.

Very interesting didn’t know about that. Good for him.

i dont really get arroused unless they are having sex lol, i. mean boobs who cares nothing really special about that on the internet

shoot, i bought mine in 2013 but i do agree Sony did mislead the whole Vita experiece. No games supported its stop and play. I think MGS snake eater did but thats it.

i dont watch naruto but i thought he was a kid/student how did he produce a child

come on hold your horses the show is very good but not better than breaking bad

hate to be a jerk, but it’s really not complicated 2 versions just like pokemon an option to buy both in 1 set. And a 3rd story dlc. Whats so strange about that.

There is no right or wrong way to play. But Ueziel said it best, i think your exaggerating.

all you had to do wasbreak the crystal u know that right?

you do relized they played the game multiple times to get this speed run number. They didn't spend $60 bucks and only played 44 mins

i wish there was a seperate category like fastest run on the first play through with no gliches and cheats

13 years old, WOW

how long are they?

was dark souls 2 that bad? i didnt play it yet i was waiting for the ps4 version

i think all women represent themselves they dont represent al women. let them wear what they want to wear

Ask him about his side of the story from that drama a few years ago with Angry Joe. How did he feel having angry joe attacking him even thought he was obviously wrong.

why not god of war 4? i think alot of people skipped that one.

i thought that was obvious...

we conquer the native americans, it is what it is, we aren't the only country to conquer another.