
i wish blizzard tried to do something like destiny but better, bungie already created the model. They just need to execute.

alittle late with this review no?

there was an ABC special on this case, there was evidence in emails that he wrote that he knew they weren't allowed on those tracks. He requested permission but didn't get it. And this isn't the first time he shot where he wasn't suppose to.

yea blizzard missed the point it isnt that we wanted women that looked like men, we wanted women that wernt overly sexualized, i think the new bat girl design is the best example of a cool women character that doesnt rely on large tits and skin tight clothes.

i agree doesnt look good but i think u should be more respectful in your headlines

be fair those studios were on their way out that is why they choose to sell to EA

i think they were referring to the previous generation when they picked faster processing power. Meaning they just wanted to upgrade. Hi Jason

fyi if u have citibank u can get a ds4 for $40 worh of citipointa

can't you guys see that their lonely, if they aren't talking to the tv who else are they going to talk to

i wish nintendo made tHe losing animation character specific, ganon doesnt clap when he loses and just gives a mean face or something, same goes with bowser

I feel for the kid, I think all kids have to experience getting punked and trolled, that's how you learn. It's better to get tricked with this trival thigns than to get tricked as an adult.

i thibk it will take people like 20 years to learn that kickstarer are donations not a store

vita works great as a ps4 add on i think just develope that more

maybe this is the equivilent of uncharted 1 for ps3 it was a made as a paid tech demo

why did edit your post, stick to your guns next time even if people are making fun of you, it's only the internet

not everyone plays a game in 5 hour interval. if the game i enjoy it alot and last a week that is good enough for me. for me its all about the experience because they are so little games worth finishing

i think there is only 3 buying options but you made it confusing $60, $80 and a $100....

well the e mail was also out of line

am i the only one who doesnt care about faceplates a 3ds is the last place i look to express myself

why do u want games on the smaetphpne u dont own a 3ds?