
So wait, you are slamming the ex-members for being untrustworthy because they were in a cult, but SSM is not a cult? Does not compute...

‘He went to Harvard’ is the definitive ANTI-panty dropper, IMHO.

Fascinating article, Anna! I’m just going to leave this here, because I feel like this fits all of the following criteria:

I just pointed out that the gears in the header image wouldn’t turn in that arrangement, which makes for an awkward mixed metaphor. Either the woman is going to be crushed, or the gears don’t turn. You can’t have both. Shifting one of the gears over just slightly would solve the problem completely. Like so:

but...I don’t really get what the point of this cult is?

This guy finishes up with his Superstar Machine meetings and immediately heads to his local MRA hangout and is high-fived by everyone there.

Maybe it’s from decades of Catholic teaching but I can’t understand how people have a hard time recognizing a cult when they see one. Just a relatively quick description of the meeting and the general heirarchy of the situation told me that it’s a cult, and that is without knowing the end goals which only reinforce

So much funny in four paragraphs. “whose palette contains thousands of years of mystic tradition...” Written like a true mystic. A 13-year-old mystic with a spiral notebook and a sparkle gel pen.

I got thrown out of a cult once, and it was BRILLIANT! These things are awful and just... I wish more people would speak their mind IN the meetings. I was invited to one (now that I think on it, I do wonder if it wasn’t mostly women), and they told everyone that the source of our problems stemmed from trauma inside