
Yes, I'm sure so many people will be checking it out following this interview…

Watch Scarface through Natural Born Killers then you're good

Skeptics look at conspiracy theorists as idiots, because they almost always are.

Isn't that true of every character in every show ever made?

Isn't that true of every character in every show ever made?

How can you call The Client shit and A Time To Kill alight when they are basically the same movie? A Beautiful Mind was a pretty damn good drama, and Deep Blue Sea was shit, but then that was the point, to make a shitty B-Movie.

There's been no casting announcement for any of the Ka-Tet apart from Roland thus far. All I've seen is Roland, The Man In Black, and two characters from Book Seven. One of whom only appears for about 5 pages.

Actually, it's not even an adaptation of the books. They're continuing on from the end of Book Seven..

That missile was like the 3-4th time you saw him die during the show's original run though. In fact I'd be surprised to find out that anyone really thought he was dead even at that point.

So…am I the only person who thinks the mythology to this point makes perfect sense? And that the point of the show isn't for Mulder/Scully to piece it all together (seeing as how Mulder has the whole thing explained to him in a 2 minute scene in the movie) but rather it's about their never ending search for the proof

So…am I the only person who thinks the mythology to this point makes perfect sense? And that the point of the show isn't for Mulder/Scully to piece it all together (seeing as how Mulder has the whole thing explained to him in a 2 minute scene in the movie) but rather it's about their never ending search for the proof

FWIW, Chris Carter has all but confirmed that Scully is immortal, and he points to this episode as the proof. Take that as you will.

FWIW, Chris Carter has all but confirmed that Scully is immortal, and he points to this episode as the proof. Take that as you will.

"And Scully doesn't try calling him?" - She has a line of dialogue where she explicitly states she tried to call him and he wouldn't answer his phone.

"I like the way Mulder can just jump to insane conclusions - "There's a secret government railroad!" - and usually be proved right." - Isn't the point here that he isn't jumping to insane conclusions? But that he actually knows about this stuff through his years and years of work on the X-Files?

"takes it as a given that single women are targets, and that they are most at risk when they try and broaden their horizons." - It doesn't take that as a given. Just that these specific characters are targets. Too much, these days, people seem to think if you write a weaker character of a certain ilk (in this case

The third Expendables was actually the only good one…

Probably. I'm ok with it.

Kevin Smith is the Neil Young of movies. He kinda just does what the fuck he wants, regardless of what people may think of said choices. Tusk was great, it spends an hour building the supense of a classic horror flick and then just becomes goofy and stupid in its second hour.