
Those are the worst. I had one in between my two sons, after also having a miscarriage before my first. When you’re actively trying and you get that + only to find out you aren’t pregnant anymore is quite the mind fuck. Good luck!!

If you were trying, I’m sorry for your loss :[

Walking Dead spoiler!!

That episode is infuriating. Can you imagine if Maggie had maybe been an OB/GYN before the zombie apocalypse and helped Lori find actual abortion pills? Can you imagine if Rick had supported Lori the whole way, and held her hand and stroked her hair while she aborted the pregnancy? If Rick had told Carl, “This isn’t

I also thought that perhaps it was so off because the school nurse was an idiot and Rosemary DeWitt’s character put the morning after pill in her shake knowing what it was and what it was meant to do, but the nurse was just some weird Jesus freak who doesn’t understand how contraception works.

It was Cristina Yang on Grey’s.

The morning after pill stops eggs from implanting in the uterus, it does not expel an already implanted egg. This has not changed, sometimes, doctors are the root of misinformation.

I mean, I’d be willing to buy that some future morning after pill could cause an abortion if the egg were implanted....that’d be neat. But either way, there’s no way Sara was pregnant within days after she had unprotected sex. Fertilization and implantation takes a few days, and that happened like immediately, iirc.

I don’t know why he said that, because if the egg was fertilized and implanted, the pill won’t change that. You’re just pregnant and that’s that. For better explanations, if you just google “myths about the morning after pill” you’ll get plenty of great information.

I think people would be shocked at how many women are “pregnant” before the body rejects the cells extremely early on - like you said, before some people even realize they’re pregnant. My husband and I are actively trying to conceive, and just last month I got a couple strongly positive at-home tests a few days before

Many spontaneous abortions aka miscarriages go unrecognised if they occur before women know they are pregnant, typically in the first 4-5 weeks before ultrasound can pick up the pregnancy. Nature can do this without damage to your body or soul as the pro-lifers would like us to believe. If you had no reason to get a

OMG I remember yelling at my tv during that Black Mirror episode. I guess it’s some future where evangelicals have succeeded, but only in actually making the morning after pill also an abortion pill. I mean, yeah this is basically stuff that comes out of a culture with the understanding of women’s bodies that could

Or in Party of Five where Neve Campbell’s character decides to have an abortion, but has a very convenient miscarriage on the way to the clinic.

I mean I give zero shits to warrant defending him or anything, but, to provide an alternative perspective from someone who is bi, a lot of this could be read as internalised homophobia or/and biphobia.

James Franco has been hanging on the fringes of queer, BDSM and sex work scenes for years, being a creep the entire time. He’s so lacking in any kind of identity or self worth of his own that he becomes an identity tourist, taking on anything that he thinks will get him attention and make him seem interesting. He has

I used to take bimonthly to mean every other month. Then I figured out that it can used interchangeably with semi-monthly to mean twice a month.

This. This made me chuckle. Have my star, good commenter.

I am gonna go with equal opportunity douchenozzle, then.

Franco is disgusting for many reasons already said - but the fact that dude is standing there covered in fake tattoos (for a movie? In Why Him he seems to have had a lot of fake ink) and on the cover of the book even MORE. That’s just stupid.

“His ‘straight in life’ comments appeared in FourTwoNine, in a bimonthly queer men’s magazine.”