
Is the site sentient? Did it do anything? If your coworker says something dumb, even if you disagree with it, can I hold their words against you?

You will never see me on camera with my shirt off”

You realize that other story was written by a completely different author, right?

Look at where you are spending your money. Reap what you sow. 

Dude knew that shit was done on purpose.

Yes, I should not have insulted them.  If I do wrong, then I face the consequences.  You’re not supposed to be able to treat people terrible and expect that they will not get angry. 

First off, you don’t get to decide what offends someone else.  You’re just whatabouting to make it seem like what Chris Rock did was okay, because you’re the type of person who makes jokes at other’s expense.  You don’t want to acknowledge that you likely hurt a lot of people, and my comment was a wakeup call.  You’re

Chris Rock is a terrible person. He’s not a hero.

“.....if you took offense....”  That’s not an apology.

Chris Brown is letting the world know how much of a sore loser and ignorant person he is.

Noah killed Mr. Brown on this one:

Send his tiny ass back to Canada where he can pretend to play hard all he wants.

Yeah, wow. Uh “spiritual father to many”? Whom exactly?

I can’t tell from the video but are they all as comically small as Torey Lanez?

I knew it was fake, a stunt, and bullshit, the moment I heard of it. Trevor Noah was simply arrogantly humoring Black women; and I also knew iimmediately that authentic & grounded Black women would see thru that bit of fakery! If we truly appreciate & love Black women, then return the same loyalty & allegiance they’ve

Bout damn time. Now for all the rest of them.

Seriously, Chancellor Elwood Robinson? What kind of bullshit is this? As a black man, you cannot sit highly on a policy of “arrest first; sort it out later” when you’ve got cops on a white woman’s speed dial. The open ability to abuse that system, destroy student/teacher relations, and put young adults into incredibly

Obligatory “grammar Nazi” moment: Comedy Central is looking for Noah’s SUCCESSOR. Jon Stewart was Noah’s PREDECESSOR.

Letitia may have apologized for her anti-vax comments but she never came out “pro” vaccine and is still not vaccinated.

Wow, just surprised that any black woman would hook up with this guy. Antonio Brown is some kind of immature.. .and frankly, too many of us are!