My excuse for misunderstanding this was that I was misremembering the half-season finale; I thought a piece of terrigen struck Trip, when it was a piece of the Diviner. Mea culpa. :(
My excuse for misunderstanding this was that I was misremembering the half-season finale; I thought a piece of terrigen struck Trip, when it was a piece of the Diviner. Mea culpa. :(
Yeah maybe. Or maybe Cal's rule that "Only I can call her that!!!" applied even to her.
Since the other comic book tv show I've been watching this year has been Gotham, this season finale looked absolutely amazing in comparison. Plots actually went places, characters performed actions that were based on how they acted in previous episode, it looked great, and at the time it was a rather gripping two…
It's weird because Alberta voters have STILL not forgiven the Liberals for the National Energy Program, even though it hasn't existed for 29 years. So the Libs are still kind of beat down in Alberta. The only one who kept his seat was David Swann (full disclosure: I was at his victory party the last time he had one.…
Yeah totally Jaiying was pulling some Gulf of Tonkin style jerkery there, shooting herself so that she can convince the rest of her Inhumans to willingly fight SHIELD.
PS she is a champ for shooting herself twice. I know she has super awesome healing powers but that's still gotta hurt.
What you mean like Undead Kodos or Living Kodos? Were both options on the ballot?
I'm tired of all this sex on the television. I mean. I keep falling off!
The Tories got control of the House of Commons in 2006, um, partially by improper election spending called the In and Out scandal (which, in spite of the name, does not involve a Mormon-founded California-based burger quick service restaurant chain). Due in small part to the investigation to this scandal, another…
Oh no doubt Raina is still trying to negotiate things to her best advantage; she has super charisma and is good at getting people to do what she thinks they should do. But … unlike Jaiying I don't think she is willing to just randomly declare war on SHIELD and/or kill their ambassador. Jaiying could have just let…
I don't usually vote for undead but I might vote for Undead Layton.
Hey now hey now it's ABC style hugging, not that Skinemax hugging.
Yeah this provincial rejection of regressive politics might be a good sign for the federal election in October. … or the Conservatives will successfully use scare tactics to win over the big cities like they did in 2011. Who knows.
double A
The oil sands will probably still be developed (it's tough to put that genie back into the bottle) but less intensely than what the oil barons want. Which is why Alberta's 1% was making SCARY NOISES about the NDP winning.
I watched an hour of television in which Raina, my favourite character, is actually not evil in any sort of way, while Grant Ward continues to be a total jerkface. And then I turned off the television to see that my former residence, Alberta, elected in a majority leftist government.
He should be a dolphin. Can we hire that dolphin from SeaQuest? He's still alive, right?
Yeah seriously people die of that. TOO SOON Mohamad Taufiq Morshidi
"This will kill you if you're not one of us!"
(she explodes it, Coulson lives)
"I uh. Huh. Okay fine we will join SHIELD"
(season finale is two hours of hugging)
Yeah I'm unsure on if the Penguin has any sort of mechanism he uses to hide firearms inside of. If only there was some kind of Penguin comic book that could be mined for ideas.
Yeah if the show was in anyway consistent about its characterizations, I would say that Gordon has realized that his crusade against corruption in Gotham is pointless.