
Oh, that episode is amazing. I loved how the narrative switched and for a few minutes you didn't know where this was going. Relevance is one my favourite episodes of the whole series.

Shaw's gonna be doctor and Root a psychiatrist. Awwww

Meander, I honestly don't think the Machine miscalculated. Had it sent Root, she would've regressed to super assassin. The Machine had been working to huminize Root all these months. Another reason I think the Machine chose Finch is that she felt it had reached a moral limit, imo. Basically, she recognized that, yes,

Remember that this is a long game. Also remember the time frame. How long would've taken for Root and her boys to code a super virus to bring down a super monster like Samaritan? A month? They simply had no time. They did the best they could with the limited resources they had. So, retreat and regroup seems like a

It's so annoying. Disqus keeps eating posts.

I honestly don't mind Root's name-calling Reese. I love that. She's so arrogant and hard to impress. Some people hate her for it, I just think it's one of the finest traits of the character. She's a world-famous hacker, she's a genius, she has access to an infinite database of facts and prognostics, she's living the

I believe SRJ means Shaw.

So, did Root call her hackers to upgrade the Machine? Greer explained that Samaritan lacks the hardware to be able to use its mind fully. But the Machine can, right?

I like Reese very much. My point is that he's not too much of a round character. Again, that's not a bad thing. He has qualities that hold this show together. While Shaw and Root are more complex, the show could go on without either of them. Not the case with Reese, because of who he is.

The thing is, CBS won't really move a finger. They are so arrogant, they know they show's bringing good money on Tuesdays (which used to be a problem for CBS in past years), so they're not going to promote a third-year show any more than they feel they need to.

Let's see… "Big lug", "Helper Monkey", "Australopithecine Coworker", "Lurch". Are there more? I think I might have missed a couple.

That was amazing. Shahi was just amazing the whole episode. That's why I get mad when people call her a female Reese. She's so not. She's more self-assured and certainly much more comfortable with who she is. What is more, she adapts better to most situations and she's way more rational too. I guess, what I am trying

That's the thing. I am one of those people who wants to believe that SHIELD will get better and, in a way, it has. But what POI is doing is fantastic television and it's not getting nowhere near the same buzz that SHIELD is getting for being, essentially, a mediocre show. It's kind of frustrating to see everyone

The first half felt like a light-hearted POI episode. I was more interested in what might be going on in Miami with Root, Shaw, and the relevant number. By making it such a small part of the episode, it felt out of context. Irrelevant (no pun intended). But then, when the second half kicked off, I was completely

That detail was my favourite thing about the whole episode. As nuanced as it all was, I think the fact that she has a sidekick was the more telling for me. She offhandedly mentioned that she saved him from, was it the Tokyo mafia? I cannot recall, but it made me think, why would Root save the kid? Is he necessary? Or