
I ran highway construction projects for the Missouri Department of Transportation for over 14 years.  You would be surprised how often this happens, not with bikes so much but with cars and trucks it is a regular occurance.  I had a whole album on my phone dedicated to stupid shit drivers did.  

Azealia Banks is not only racist she is batshit crazy. She doesn’t recognize she has a problem so she won’t accept any help. And Elon is WAY too stuck on himself to think he’d needs help. I think he’s the type that believes that it’s what has driven him to greatness, or what he perceives as greatness anyways.

you can only do so much adjusting on a computer screen before you have to start tearing shit apart.  and tearing shit apart on newer cars ins a pain in the ass.  When my 89 chevy with a 383 stroker needs work it’s easy peasy but when my evo or my infiniti needs something it’s a straight pain in the ass.  mostly

The guy in the T-Bird did me in.  and if that’s a sleeper car my commuter car is a Ferrari. 

why not a show following some poor bastard that works his ass off for every penny he sinks into his car?  Show him wrenching and tinkering on his shit until midnight because it’s his passion not because he’s making a shitload of money on it.  

Well after they split that and pay their attorney’s 30% they can get a cup of ice at the gas station 

The reason we can’t fathom it is because it’s a Jeep thing

She admittedly hates white people. it’s his own dumbass fault for letting the skank in his house to begin with.

Just wait until someone steps forward to say that this same “joke” was played on them and they lost money on a car sale to these jackasses. 

Not true, this was on Lake of the Ozarks.  They all lived luckily.  The guy is a true douchebag that could have easily killed someone

The strip we used to to go when I was younger is now a 400 home subdivision

this is a vicious cycle of bad puns

I’d rather buy a good used one. That way I could have my fun, run the piss out of it etc. then after i’ve had my fun pass it to the next guy that wants to do the same so the good times keep on rolling.

one of my friends drove from St. Louis to Denver to buy one last year. Had been sitting in the dealership for awhile. And now it sits in his garage next to his Typhoon that he bought new right after high school (1996) and has less than 10K on it.  This car will probably suffer the same fate.  

The only skidmarks he left behind were in his undies

Dude! you’re right it is lol. Nice catch on this one

This car reminds me of my first marriage. My heart wanted it, my brain said nah hold off but I did it anyway and as it went along I kept finding problems and spending money to fix them.  Until I finally offloaded that headache at a loss.  But damn I much happier now lol

I’m not saying the guy isn’t a douchebag, I don’t know him, but it’s funny that you attack him because he bought the rights to something your company couldn’t make money on so it went bankrupt.  Maybe instead of being such a shit liberal hack for the last few years it could have had a small amount of actual

or maybe how it wasn’t dirty when you rented the fucking thing and all of the sudden when you come out of walmart it’s filthy inside and has a set of golf clubs now

Imagine her as a witness to the crime of the century trying to describe the getaway car.