
My wife will do shit like that too. she will gasp loudly out of nowhere so i’m looking in all directions thinking we’re about to be plowed into from somewhere and when I ask wtf she’s like “that car got over into our lane and didn’t signal”. It’s 200 feet in front of us it’s not like they almost hit us or something

I drove from Seattle to St. Louis straight through with 2 cat naps when I got out of the Army it took me around 26 1/2 hours.

there is only so much fuel present on the surface of the car and once it’s burned off the fire goes out.

My wife grabbed my hand one time during an ice storm and a truck was coming at us and i was trying to steer out of the way and down shift at the same time and couldn’t, I had time to bump it to neutral but that’s it. afterwards I had to explain to never grab my hand like that again because I couldn’t drive the way I

Such white supremacy that black and latino unemployment are at record lows and black and latino employment are and record highs. He really stuck it to them with that one didn’t he? Made them all get a job i guess.

My wife and I both commute (different directions from the house unfortunately so no carpool) to work and we each put around 40,000 a year on our vehicles. We have put over 250,000 on 5 and i put over 400,000 on one of them. Plus our kids(we have 7) play every travelling sport known to man so evenings and weekends only

That is clearly a DeWalt. They quit making tools that had anything resembling power years ago. They’re all imported junk like the rest now too.

Ok, listen asshole. it happened 1 fucking time. And daddy said he paid the lawyer enough that “it didn’t happen” so you can go fuck yourself.

she might be chubby and like to lie around but she’ll kick your ass if you piss her off lol

If you have $44,000 to dump on this then you probably have a day or two to take to visit him in person with your vast sums of cash( or check from your bank i sincerely hope). So go with him to his bank and handle the transaction in person and kill the lien and get the title transferred etc all while you are there.

And the headlights quit after 2 years so one is stuck in the up position and looks like Grandpa’s neighbor that had the stroke

it shall be called the sleeper demon

This will be the new hashtag, #chally will be everywhere. and you will get zero credit for it.

My son was happy as hell until he realized it was the valet key

I am a firefighter and the NTSB has never once shown up to investigate a car accident or even asked to review an accident report. So I don’t know if I buy that excuse either. Every department has SOP’s for dealing with electric cars and in this case what was probably a hazmat issue with the ruptured battery cells.

They couldn’t let Tesla be the only one to launch a car

Some places do not have the type of soil needed to dig a basement or it’s just solid rock under a few feet of dirt. in some places south of me there are numerous caves and sink holes so digging a basement can be a hazard in and of itself.

Possums are not vicious at all lol. they fucking hiss and slobber that’s about it. i wouldn’t stick my finger it it’s mouth but come on stop trying to sound like a badass for touching a bug and worm eating turd of an animal.

You realize that groundhogs are not cuddly little guinea pigs right? they have claws that are long and sharp and they have some big teeth. You wouldn’t just walk up to one that you had concern may be rabid and grab the little fucker either.  

So he built a neat custom Go Kart, correction he built a neat custom slow Go Kart.