
This stupid fuck can’t read and you somehow think he’s going to be good at paying his taxes? He’s a piece of shit that has a wonderful talent for boxing and that’s it, other than the boxing he’s a worthless pile of dog shit. He comes from a place that you show your success by how much you earn and spend and he does

Tough shit lobbyist scum, your emails should be part of official public record since you were speaking with lawmakers etc. Don’t be a dirty piece of shit working behind the scenes making deals that only serve who pays the most money and fail to take into consideration the taxpayers of the state.

Who let Harrison Ford pilot the plane?????

Probably because it was his house. Or they are money hungry whores that only care about getting a pay day not about how they were actually wronged.

To have double standards would imply you have a standard to begin with.

it’s not just the range you’re giving up. Just think of the weight of all those batteries. All of that weight has to be removed from the overall weight of the vehicle hence reducing the amount of cargo it can carry. The maximum vehicle weight of 80,000lbs is the max it doesn’t matter if that comes from a truck that

I guess they are strictly opposed to paying for building walls under any circumstances?

I do want to clarify one thing, he was speaking through an interpreter right?

Russia plays this game all the time IE: flying as close to Alaska as they can etc. It’s all a game and I think it’s funny as hell. They get so pissed when anyone calls them on their bravado because they are so full of half-commie shit and broken down spray painted pieces of shit that they hate the world to actually

The new Mercedes has a Mustang button!!!!!!!

I guess your broad opinion is the only one that matters then fucknutz? I can’t have one? How about I can think it’s a goofy looking turd and you can think it’s a snazzy rollerskate for 2 and you can move the fuck on. Or did you think your pretentious comment really put me in my place like I was a hillbilly at a wine

So Canadians aren’t always so polite? We’ve been fucking lied too! I knew it, you sly bastards were just trying to trick us.

This looks like a smaller shittier version of a Fiat 500. Like that was needed in the world.

What is sad is when people treat them like total shit usually because of something they screwed up themselves but it’s easier to blame someone else. Most don’t even realize they are volunteers that do it for the love of being involved in something they enjoy being a part of.

They have every legal authority if they are registered bail bondsman numbnuts. maybe read something, anything about the subject before you post about it. They do have laws to follow and I hope these guys did as such it looks like they did but I am not sure of texas law in direct regards to the matter but in general

This fact based science you speak of will only lower the temperature by 0.17 of 1 degree by the year 2100 and cost the U.S. Billions of dollars and thousands of jobs. Jobs that oddly shutter a factory here in the U.S. and fuck me if they don’t start just making that same thing in Mexico etc. Don’t even tell me that

Yeah it did, Mazda made it an RX-8. Look at that pic it looks just like an RX-8 with a bowtie.

Am I the only one that doesn’t give a shit if China is butthurt that we can see their missiles and possibly tell which are the decoys etc? They stole the technology for them from us anyway so we should be able to see them.

Except he didn’t divulge any top secret information at all. Learn the difference between sensitive information and information common to the fight against terrorism. And what is even funnier is the info that was supposedly shared Trump didn’t even know. So someone feeding the press classified info to try to vilify

yeah this woman did, imagine if she had a passenger, or kids in the back? probably not so much then. she was lucky because of point of impact and she was alone not that GM are some fucking car building gods that build some Deathproof machine here Mr Wizard.