If Asia was a human body North Korea would be the asshole. Stinky, mostly barren, and full of shit.
If Asia was a human body North Korea would be the asshole. Stinky, mostly barren, and full of shit.
Funny how Kimmel etc never do their bits on those people, it’s always you fucktards in LA and NYC.
Police have the ability, it’s called a fucking warrant. if they suspect something then they can take custody of the phone, apply for a warrant, then check the information they need. otherwise it is an egregious violation of your 4th amendment rights
This Story was completely false by the way and you’re a moron for spewing the fake news bullshit. This is the first time I’ve had to say fake news because that’s what this whole story was. McMaster’s, who was there and named in the WashPo bullshit lie of a story, came out and said full on that it was a lie. He…
Anyone who buys these is only making up for the size of their... yeah so where do I put my name on the list?
Rafi your shitty article tried to connect sitting in the front seat and car seats/booster seat usage. they are two completely different things. Car seats/booster seats required and recommended up to a certain age due to the physiological differences in size of a smaller child fitting into a seat designed to safely…
“This hearing was a partisan farce” Kind of like this article. Just saying.
News Flash: Mike just realized he’s not the reason people liked the show and his ass it a little chapped
My little piss ant town in the middle of farm country in Missouri passed an ordinance against this years ago because fools would drive around rolling coal and it was causing traffic hazards because of visibility. I think the fine was the same as CO $100. We don’t have much of an issue with it anymore since then. …
I think that just because we went in with failed plans for success and an even worse follow up plan with the next administration only shows why we should not cut and run. We should develop and plan for success and put it to work period. Take away the bullshit that chained the hands of those trying to fight the…
He probably drove hours and hours through nothing in Australia since most of anything is along the coast. So he went unnoticed so long because he was just out in the middle of fucking nowhere.
I’ll throw in $10 if you let people write jokes on the shitter walls and not paint over the really funny ones
How does parking a multi-million dollar yacht at your house bring down property values? Wouldn’t that do the opposite? people coming through and see that and think “Fuck yeah, rich people” and expect a house for sale to be a little more? That would be like me bitching about how my neighbors parking their Ferrari on…
While not sticking up for the driver of the truck. He was pulling tandem trailers and had an older tractor so his mirrors would have been vibrating back and forth like a mofo. So as he checked his mirrors he probably just saw a car in the same spot riding his ass the whole time not realizing it was literally riding…
Look at the guy’s shirt. He’s a god damn hippy he’s obviously not a fighter that’s why a 12 year old kicked his ass. He probably smells like arm pits, feet, and skunk weed.
Officer, why are you barking orders at me?
His friends know who to call anytime they need a wingman now
The market for used Iraqi tanks has just skyrocketed
yet the price of gas here has gone up 30 cents in two weeks. tell Apu to start me an account. I’m starting my own gas station
This is completely fucking stupid. But people of sound mind have the right to do completely fucking stupid things if they choose. They just have to be prepared to deal with the consequences. And if shit goes sour they damn sure better not expect a hand out or offer some damn boo hoo story wanting help because it’s…