
Check out this one simple trick to Turn a $300 ticket into 10 years in jail!

The officer almost got run over.

I can’t blame him for having his weapon drawn, and assuming the suspect was hostile.

1. That driver is a douchebag.


Why does it seem more and more that yesterdays Reddit becomes todays Jalopnik

76 years old and going out in a high speed crash in a muscle car. I can think of worse ways to sign off.

Is there any situation that a car dealership can’t make worse with its avaricious greed and lack of regard for anything other than profitability?

When I see people carving their names in things at national parks and I confront them they always have the same excuse “well other people did it!” to which I respond “Moron, there are 15 names carved there. 1.5 million people visit this park annually. That means 1.5 million people -minus 15- aren’t as selfish as you.”

maybe, and likely. but that’s for the insurance company to decide, not this asshole.

While being buried up to almost the roofline like that means it probably was going to get written off by insurance anyway, the fuck gives some asshole in a douchebro truck the right to feel like it’s ok to drive over the top of it? And that lamesauce excuse of “Well... we weren’t the first or the last to do it...”

which Kia calls an “extended hot hatch” for whatever reason

here it is opened up a bit more.

My eyes rolled so hard I almost went blind. So the 8 Series is pretty much an upscale 6 Series if that makes sense. It’s imitating the 6's line up exactly. They really are running out of ideas.

and more recently, TigerSwan aided US law enforcement tasked with countering protests around the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline.

That’s disconcerting. Resumes would be bad enough. But a CV contains dozens of pages of personal and in-depth information - some may even have classified work attached as a portfolio... While I’m sure most of the people here understand what a CV is, I’m sure that a few will wonder what the big deal is about.

Except any RS model would have dual oval exhausts instead of quad which belong to S models.

Born and raised NJ resident here, I still live in this horrid, corrupt state, and I can absolutely confirm all of this.

I rode (and relied on) NJTransit for a few years while traveling from NJ to NYC. For a while it was from Bergen County, NJ —> Financial District, then I moved and it was from Monmouth County for a

Christie really seemed different 8 years ago, and we might have elected Saddam Hussein himself to get rid of Corzine. But Christie really showed us by being the same or worse than everybody else.

We get crap candidates with big money and ridiculous gerrymandering to get them elected. Anybody smart enough to be a good

Garbage in Garbage out.