How can you do a Zatanna statue and not give her fishnets!!!! Now she she just looks like an Emma Frost wannabe who forgot to put her pants on.
How can you do a Zatanna statue and not give her fishnets!!!! Now she she just looks like an Emma Frost wannabe who forgot to put her pants on.
Trico better be able to go into Flamingo stance now!
As good as Iceman is, 90's Rogue is the best figure in the line! If only she had an updated Gambit to reach out and suck the life force out of with that ungloved hand. And 2017's Marvel Legend figure of the year has already been announced - Disco Dazzler!!!
Can we stop with the ‘British’ and just tag the hooligans English. Wales, another part of Britain, are also in the World Cup and so far Welsh fans have yet to start beating anyone up (this could of course all change when Wales plays England...)
It’s easy to make anything into a Romantic Comedy movie, all you need is a white background, a pun-tastic tagline and Katherine Heigl. Sony Pictures, my fees are negotiable! And thanks so much for your comments.
Who’s got a wide enough lens (and a ladder) to unbox them on YouTube though
I love the new Filmation line. I have mainly collected the Princess of Power line in MOTUC, the only POP figure I missed was Shadow Weaver and it always kills me that I didn’t pay $60 for her when I had the chance when she’s now going for hundreds. I’m like you though and love unboxing my figures. But worse than the…
And now we wait until Star Wars and Marvel Superhero expansions are announced for Lego Dimensions...
Well at least if she has a TV dinner she doesn’t need a tray, she has a spot marked out for her plate!
Fingers crossed she doesn’t google Power Girl or Emma Frosts New X-Men costume...
I was surprised at the lack of Milestone new, but also the lack of Wildstorm news too. I was convinced we’d get a Static book and Jim Lee on a Wildcats reboot. I really don’t get that Jim Lee seems to have no interest in pushing the universe he created forward, the Suicide Squad book was going to sell anyway Jim, go…
‘Ride of the Tomb Raider - next on RKTV!’
He’s just gutted he had to settle for Bruce Wayne when all he wanted was to play Jean Grey in the new X-Men movie, curse you Sansa Stark!
My six year old has just become addicted to Power Rangers, only due to the wonders of Netflix it’s the random choice of the Lightspeed Rescue era and nothing else and finding toys from it for Christmas has become a nightmare. Trying to convince him that Dino Charge is good too is not working, as in the words of a six…
Just downloaded the game for the PS4, and its worth it just for the free dashboard Midgar theme that plays the most beautiful version of Aeris Theme on a loop and makes all the FFVII menu screen noises when you select things.
Surely its time for another update of the Android list, or are we now going yearly?