Arthur Vandaley

Looks so real, you will be shocked to find out how expensive it is and that is does not work. I am talking about Destiny, obviously, but the replica guns from the replica game is cool too.

Right?! I have been looking for the song all day since I played it last night. What is the name of that intro song?

I told my buddy about this and he asked me, “Do you gotta buy the game again to get that?” Fucking classic.

Aw, cmon. Approve the message. It’s a friendly jab.

I love The Division. It is fun, exciting, challenging and rewarding all at the same time. All of my friends bought the gold edition and not one has regretted it at all. The graphics are amazing and their attention to details is thrilling. Not to mention the surrealistic art. The PVP may be even more fun than the PVE.

This will make all the fans they ripped off jump back in never. Good call, Bungie. I have not seen a game handled this well since Coke 2.

Great info for a game no one will ever play again.

Jim Jones...Baptists...It’s all poison Kool-aid. I wonder how the survivors of the 900 some dead folk are going to sit on this.

Let’s see how 2 is. 1 left me with such a sour taste that I just can’t bring myself to spend anymore money on it. I had already spent $120 for a $40 value when I quit giving them money.

Psssh! Everyone’s a critic.

I stared at the boobs.

Nice. I uninstalled that POS after they charged AGAIN for a DLC that supposedly delivers all the features that makes this an actual video game. What does that put us at now? $140 for a passable shooter? Yeah...nice pull.

Sounds like a $60 video game you can buy for $140.

Think he is trolling you a bit, dude.

Cammy is not to blame. She has a disability wherein she can’t look at a camera unless it’s behind her, just over her shoulder.

How do you know Chin-li was a girl? :) I’m kidding. You are just a bigot. Ever notice who people hate the rich because they secretly want to be rich too? Well, you hate tranny gay men. And when you connect those two dots...