Arthur F.

Well, to some degree I was agreeing with the reviewer about the BTTF relation being more interesting because of that darker shade at least. No it's not solely that, the father/mother dynamic has space to go somewhere I guess. But I stil feel the new cartoon requires the reference to a degree. And sure, sci-fi has

I agree with the idea of real deaths, consequences bringing a darker shade to the sci fi funny of Back to the Future etc.. but I have a problem with the cartoon having to rely on reinterpreting a "what if" scenario with reference to BTTF. It feels really late to the game, a well-trod 80s icon that Family Guy 80s

"Income Property" is from another angle, and at least upfront about what the goal is when helping renovate that basement unit in your house.

You meant the Beastie Boys version? Of course it was planned, that's not the point to their tribute - it was twenty years after the original incident and they gave up their song slot to honor Costello's moment that got him banned for a decade. But I don't recall Costello in the publicity leading up to their SNL gig

You should link to the Beastie Boys tribute on SNL to that moment, when they started playing their song, then stopped, and basically said the same thing, and brought out Costello to join with them ripping through Radio Radio. That's a tribute and a fuck you to Michaels at the same time.

"Harvey being Harvey, though, she can’t escape her own gravitational
pull—and in particular, the poetic reflection that makes her best love
songs unfold in multiple dimensions. "
Beautifully written observations. I think you hit upon the unique moment in her career: this song which feels like an anamoly and yet as you