Arthur F.

I thought Sideshow Bob's character was a bit snappier with the way he was speaking or referring to Lisa - like telling her he expects to see her write a book about her family or some such in the end. But for all the meta in the beginning (his face starting to come apart at the seam he made from a previous story) I was

It was poignant in a nice way, respectful while also bothering to do it smartly - I liked how they tied it with the main episode (the scene of Tod and Rod's skipping together) by obliging Ned to dance with Edna because "I let you pay for those boys skipping lessons." Flanders is twice a widower, he looks tired in that

"Family Guy, however, is not one of these shows. Give or take a
“Life Of Brian” … Family Guy usually tries to use tragic subject matter solely as a source for comedy"

In terms of language and characters Community turns out much sharper scripts in general (although there is an improv-insightfulness feel to aspects of the characters we see) which helps being tighter, and I really admire what Community can achieve in the Greendale bubble that is formed by now for this to work.

I can imagine Dean Pelton vs Mr. Garrison.

Yes I think this season could nicely end up with a split, a Raj / Amy camp (as friends making a new cliq) and Sheldon being left by Amy who decides to take a break and start dating someone else. But that kiss scene occured so that's that in tv land.

In terms of Sheldon and Howard, there was a nice turning point back when Howard took over as Dungeon Master and used his moment "on stage" to provide impressions and such, transforming Sheldon's initial skepticism into a kind of childish glee. It could have been the moment in the series to follow up by admitting a new

In BBT terms, all that just gives further proof to her being one of the gang now - and essentially finding her specific skillset outside of being Sheldon's long-suffering partner.

And there was the Raj in love with Bernadette episode, when Howard
proposed to her - and just recently Raj restated it, telling Howard he
will marry Bernadette if/when Howard dies in space. Raj and Amy would be logical to a certain degree but not when you consider everything he has said about women's appearances. They

This feels like something better handled over in South Park. That said, a Community/South Park merge could be interesting.

Speaking of change, I was under the impression this season was preparing for something different: a Penny acting career what-if focus (based on back when she got her scene cut out of the tv show, hell broke loose, Leonard placed her name in that movie acting competition etc) if just to move her on or off the waitress

Yes definitely format change or return to using what they have, make a two-parter and not try to fill each episode with too much. If I had to edit to give more to Marceline and Simon, I would have cut out the Finn stuff about playing the bass high up, sure, it's funny observational stuff, but only when episodes have

That was a great interview, thanks, and greatly assisted by how articulate and concise Arthur Chu was in explaining things without going down the rabbit hole of technicalities and the like. I think in particular, his explanation of the tv character versus actual person syndrome once he appears on the game show.

It's funny to look back and see the kind of serious negative energy they generated from rockists. Like Costello's success bothered reigning kings Van Halen, DEVO was considered dangerous for what their appearance/act apparently implied to "authentic" music goers and crits. As Mothersbaugh would point out back then, a

I loved this episode, I'm so glad you brought it into this discussion. The first time I came across it on tv was by chance and it hooked me to watch til the end - also confused because I knew Blackadder from the earlier historical variant. I agree the ending with the field of poppies was perfect. Partly as it exists

I think that might partly be because today the military represents to tv a large part of the US demographic (just follow the reality shows, where it feels like a staple audience, like when American Pickers meets a vet, they always state in the show "Thank you for serving.") The trend has been that the military is made

In general, I don't get the longtime cultivation of Brian Wiliams love shared across different talkshow platforms. Conan, Letterman sometimes, Stewart for sure. Most recently this past week, same network of course, Fallon's amazing edit of Williams to Sugar Hill Gang.

Yes, that interview was just …. odd. It looked like a game of chicken, waiting to see who would avoid lengthy dead-air first. But Seinfeld was right in that interview: Colbert was rude in how he ridiculously stepped on so many of Seinfeld's beginning responses. It was like he was on speed. You don't have Seinfeld as a

Once he was in his prime, the first time before he left Conan, Andy was excellent, especially doing remotes. He made the sidekick position worthy. Despite the unique gang mentality feel (Andy, Max, Conan) Conan would show he could do it alone for a while if necessary. In a similar way, Letterman does a show alone,

Like: When Mr. Krabs suddenly arrives by taxi in the end of one episode, and explains where he's been all the time, a large colorful sign appears above Sponsgebob: "EXPOSITION"