
I saw it last night and am wondering what he meant by that, I'm not sure there was a supernatural component

I hate horror movies, but was so intrigued by the trailers I had to see it. Saw a screening last night and even my horror-averse self loved it. I wouldn't call it scary in the traditional horror movie sense, but you are on edge the whole time. I think even those who don't like horror would enjoy it
But also like most

Unnerving is the perfect word to describe it. I saw an early screening last night and you maintain that unnerved, unsettled feeling throughout the whole movie. It's fantastic

I took a sip of water right before I read this and nearly did an honest to God spit take! Well done

That version of Listen to Band is great, I had to rip the audio from a YouTube clip because the album version just can't match up

Nick at Nite got me hooked on the Monkees when I was a kid. At least in the 90s, they would run marathons every summer I believe, and I was so pumped for it every year. I didn't have anyone else my age who appreciated them like I did, you were lucky :)

Agreed, it felt like they were dragging their feet until they decided what to do (or realized time was up and they had to wrap up the season somehow). I wonder if the season will be better in a binge-watch

Yeah I was struck by how blase they were about it. Also, and Im behind on Arrow so not sure what Oliver is up to, but Barry did go to the big funeral on that show (when Barry really barely knew that person) and no one from that show could make it to this one?

The Darkness was definitely something that I was sure was going to be addressed before the season ended. It felt like something significant, like hey here is something that rots you to your core once you gain a certain amount of speed? But then it was never mentioned again

I kept thinking of Lost's time travel rule: "whatever happened, happened". You can travel to the past and affect how things play out, but those things have already happened, you can't actually change the past

Her facial expression really struck me as well, it definitely felt like looks I've seen before and felt before. Really well done

Don't forget the cute blonde girl at the party who was super into him before he ditched her for Mickey! Yeah that kind of quick succession of beautiful girls was hard to believe

I think we were only seeing the end of his saving? Like he had taken out a bunch of people before maybe

Whoever the iron mask dude is, its significant that he was in the same type of cell that Barry was, a cell likely meant to keep a speedster/meta in (or at least until they got the proper motivational speech), while Jesse was in typical iron bar cell

Jessie was also really covered in filth, is the floor made of dirt? Or does that really happen if you haven't showered in weeks / months?

It is indeed the weirdest thing, and it indeed happens. Most recently I was in the airport, just got off a flight at 11p on a Sunday, im tired and minding my business and this mofo tells me "smile!". I bark back "that's so fuckin annoying" (not very elegant or witty, but I was tired!) and he was totally thrown off, he

Carlos Valdes also has a lovely singing voice!

Yeah in the Arrow/Flash eps they were introduced in, he said it can happen different. Sometimes hawkgirl "awakens" or whatever before him and goes to find him and make him remember, and sometimes it's the other way around

I think Hope also did when she was in the hotel bed?